What Nexus 2007 is All About

March 26, 2007 Blog 9 comments


After hearing my fellow media socialists Kevin, Benjamin, Ivan, Siva, Coleman, Preetam and Vanessa talk about Nexus 2007, I decided that I simply had to check it out for myself. And boy was it a blast!

Before going into the heavy stuff, let me share some photos and tongue-in-cheek observations about what Nexus 2007 is all about.

Food, Glorious Food


Despite paying only $15, we were treated to a non-stop smorgasbord of morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and even beer! All that tech-talk leads to a lot of bits and bites.

Bubbly Youthful Energy


Organised by The Digital Movement, Nexus 2007 seem to be very much about youthful passion, drive and ardour. Most of the organisers were undergrads and their enthusiasm can be seen in the way they spoke with so much bright-eyed and bushy-tailed energy.



It was quite obvious that almost 90% of the attendees were guys. Most were young, hot-blooded males, all rarin’ to become the next tech-chick magnet. Of course, the two fine looking gentlemen here beat most of them hands down.



Well, they certainly don’t call this the conversational era for nothing. Small group discussions abound at Nexus 2007, with many carrying on the discussions into the wee hours of the morning through IMs, blogs, forums and chats.

Weapons of Mass Distraction


Part of the programme includes a “live chat” moderated by an organiser with a big screen flashed on stage. I found this mildly amusing at times when the chatters were openly lambasting the speaker on stage.

OK, this is just a teaser guys. Some of the serious stuff coming ahead in the next couple of days. Akan datang.

What were your experiences like at Nexus 2007?

By Walter
Founder of Cooler Insights, I am a geek marketer with almost 30 years of senior management experience in marketing, public relations and strategic planning. Since becoming an entrepreneur 11 years ago, my team and I have helped 120 companies and almost 7,000 trainees in digital marketing, focusing on content, social media and brand storytelling.


  1. For some time, felt the digital movement is the only PROJECT/ investment that has been successful in SG. Guess it’s something which is closest to the consumers, so the impact can be felt almost immediately, and considered the most tangible.

    Technologies such as the hard-core semiconductor(which happens to make digital technology work), the biosciences, and now even the clean energy projects will never enjoy the same success limelight as the digital movement.

    BTW,hearing Nexus for the 1st time, so can’t comment too much on that. Initially, I thought it was some car related stuff (coz I associated with Lexus! LOL!)

  2. Hey Walter, you must have been watching too many Lost and Prison Break tv shows. After reading thro your whole post, still don’t know what is Nexus. Is it new competitor for Lexus? Civil servants getting high pays eh?

  3. tigerfish,

    Hmmm… agree with you that it is probably far easier to attract interest in the web-side of things compared to the harder parts of technology. The Singapore tech-scene is more inclined towards the user-side of things as opposed to the hardcoding and nuts and bolts. While we do have a very high percentage of bloggers and participation in online activities, as well as a very vibrant tech retail scene, our expertise in the engineering and programming side of things are still relatively weak.

  4. chun see,

    Hmmm… thought I already provided the requisite links? He he… Nexus has little to do with Lexus although both are also about technology and user experiences! It is a seminar on largely social media trends and movements. I will be putting up more posts over the next few days which will illustrate what it means.

    BTW, I don’t quite get what this post has to do with civil service pay?

  5. Aiyah… Chun See linked it to CS because the banner screamed: Main Supporter – IDA. He’s juz sore he’s not getting any PB. Wahahaha…

    Sorry Walter, I also know nuts about Nexus. But the spread of food is enough to make me sit up. Maybe I’d sign up next year …So what if I stick out like a sore thumb and no longer “youthful”, … Heheh.

    So, how much PB you got?*whispering*

  6. Walter said, “Most were young, hot-blooded males…”. It’s no wonder why most of us don’t understand the subject of this post. I suspect that we have long past that stage of life.

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