Posts Under: Book Reviews

The Art and Science of Positive Influence in Leadership

August 28, 2023 Book Reviews, Business and Management no comments

What does it truly mean to be an ‘influencer’ at work or at play? Are there steps you can take to improve your influence?

Contrary to popular belief, positive influence isn’t about the number of Instagram followers or LinkedIn connections that you have. Rather, it is about how you can impact an interaction, relationship, task or community to produce a positive outcome for all.

Why Personal Storytelling Matters — And How To Tell Yours

April 12, 2023 Book Reviews, Personal Branding 1 comment

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Do you know that personal stories can change the world? More importantly, would you like to make an impact through personal storytelling?

All of us have stories. These personal narratives include episodes of our life, our education, our work, our relationships, as well as our interactions with the world around us.