Social Media Breakfast 3 @ Asian Civilisations Museum

August 16, 2008 Blog 20 comments

ACM is the proud venue host of Social Media Breakfast III

Social media is what it is because people simply love to socialise. And boy did I get a major dose of that yesterday morning at Social Media Breakfast 3 (SMB3), courtesy of Daryl Tay, Claudia, and Derrick.

SMB3 brainchild Daryl chatting with Cullen

Held at the Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM) through the sponsorship of the National Heritage Board, SMB3 is part of a series of networking events held in order to get bloggers more well aquainted with each other. Close to 60 bloggers, facebookers, forumers, chatters and other digital denizens of the 2.0 kind thronged the River Room of ACM this morning.

Participants mingling and chatting either seated…

…or standing…

It was a blast to see people freely chatting, chomping down the buffet breakfast spread (actually more like brunch and even lunch for some of us!), and just having a great time networking, rekindling old bonds of friendship and forging new ones. I was especially delighted to see my online buddies from the media socialist group November, Kenneth, and Coleman, as well as Friends of Yesterday Marcus present (we called ourselves the Yesterday Socialists, Friends of Media or something like that lah… haha).

Both Daryl and Claudia did a good job in getting the party started, and I had the privilege of giving my “corporate spiel” and explaining why museums and new media can become best of friends (unlikely as that may seem). It was a treat to meet many friends both old and new.

They include DK, Mintea, Nicole, Daniel Goh (who used to work with me), Uzyn (the founder of, Cullen Hartley, Bernard, Andrew Peters, Supriya Addanki, NTT, Farinelli, Yuhui (are you related to Yu Mei btw?), Dorothy Poon, Mohammed Hisham, Alvin Lim, Pat Law, Daniel Tsou, Jerrick Lim (both from Tech 65), Professor Ulrike from NTU, Su Min, Willy Foo, Laurent Roux, Glenn Van Zutphen, Todd Murray (Active Channel), and Vincent Tan.

All in all, kudos to Daryl and team as well as my own guys David, Wei Chong and Kenny. You guys rock!

After the event, we took some of the Omy blog award finalists on a tour of ACM. They include Jean, Alice and some of the other finalists including DK and Nicole.

ACM curator Clement Onn describing some of the Indian customs to OMY blog award finalists

This was followed by my own explorations of the recently launched Seeing Red exhibition held at Shaw Foyer of ACM as part of the China Modern China Contemporary Festival.

Seeing Red displays the material used during the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

Some of the famous little red books espousing maxims from China’s great leader Mao Zedong.

Funky badges and plates adorned with images of the great leader.

Naturally, Ethan wanted to be a part of the action. And he certainly got busy at the Explorasian Zones for kids at ACM!

Putting together a couple of blocks to form a Chinese word.

Trying on shoes which were several sizes too large…

And dressing up like a Torajan Warrior from Indonesia!

By Walter
Founder of Cooler Insights, I am a geek marketer with almost 30 years of senior management experience in marketing, public relations and strategic planning. Since becoming an entrepreneur 11 years ago, my team and I have helped 120 companies and almost 7,000 trainees in digital marketing, focusing on content, social media and brand storytelling.


  1. This sounds like an interesting and fruitful event. I would have loved it since it was held in a museum. I wish I could be there, but I couldn’t as I have to attend a work-related event at that time.

  2. Hi Walter,

    Thanks for hosting the SMB3 yesterday. Will contact you sometime when I can do the Arts Museum and old SJI article for Yesterday.SG

    Take care & best regards,
    Bernard Leong

  3. Walter,

    Thanks for your generosity in letting us use the venue for the event. It’s truly an amazing one! Was great seeing you and everyone from NHB again. Hope you guys had a blast!


  4. Hi Walter,

    Nice meeting you at SMB3 too. Hope NHB can sponsor more venues for us! You guys have great venues that seem underutilised.

    BTW I may take you up on that free pass offer!

  5. Bernard,

    Thanks for popping down buddy! Yes, it should be fun to do something on the old SJI and how SAM used to be. In fact, I should be blogging about my old schools too if I can get in somehow.

  6. daryl,

    No worries and it was really fun for us to do this gig. You can be sure that this will not be the last of such activities, and I am thinking whether we can even rotate it amongst different museums plus heritage sites in Singapore.

  7. Thanks Walter for such wonderful venue! And I’m glad to have finally met you in person after hearing and reading much about you. 🙂

    Looking forward to meeting up again!

  8. See, every one thinks out of the box and see how well museums can become a part of our lives too. NHB should be glad it has people like you who are adventurous and open-minded willing to try all sorts of ideas. Keep up the good work Walter!

    Hope to work with you and your guys again. I will like to have lunch with you and wei chong soon. 🙂

  9. Hey Walter, thanks for hosting us! Didn’t know NHB had sponsored this at first, but think it’s an absolutely fantastic initiative (as eastcoastlife says).

    Got to say I had never stepped into ACM before this, and I definitely intend to go back and visit the other museums too.

  10. Hi Walter,

    I’m planning a blogger relations workshop to be conducted in Singapore this October and am toying with the idea of putting together a local bloggers panel to compliment the session.

    Would you be willing to suggest who the best bloggers to sit on such a panel might be? I’d want 5 bloggers total.

    Please let me know what you think.


    Eric Schwartzman
    skype or twitter: spinfluencer
    +1-310-463-4026 m (I’m on Los Angeles time)

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