Sweet Strawberries at Beerenberg Farm

May 30, 2009 1 comment

Located in the picturesque Hahndorf area just a short drive away from Adelaide in South Australia, Beerenberg Farm is a delightful strawberry farm which is a favourite haunt for lovers of that red and juicy fruit. Other than allowing tourists like us to pick strawberries and taste them out in the fields, it also offers lots of items like jams, chutneys, dried fruits, nuts and other products for sale. What’s cool is that this farm is also quite social media savvy, with a facebook page, youtube channel, flickr page and a link to a website offering cooking tips and recipes.

Here are some photos of our delicious adventure with our favourite Fragaria species, which apparentally is a false fruit.  Well, they sure don’t taste fake to me!

Striking a pose in front of the Strawberry shopfront.

P1050207Lots of sweet and scrumptious delights for you to bring home (for a price).
Before we proceeded to the farm, we had to pay AUD8 for a box to store our pickings in.
No prizes for guessing where this leads to.  Apparently, some people decided to abandon their boxes of strawberries here.  Hmmm….
From far, this looks like a typical row of short bushes.
However, when you peek underneath, you see those delicious pock-marked berries.
Here are two more for your admiration.
Naturally, Ethan immediately got down to serious work.
…and got a little help from Mummy.
Working hard, we searched, plucked and picked the strawberries.
Spreading ourselves along different rows to improve our chances.
Of course, in between all that hard labour, we rewarded ourselves with a sweet dessert or two or three or four or…..
Ethan showing some of his redder and juicier prime pickings.
Our rich and bountiful harvest after a hard afternoon’s work out in the field!
By Walter
Founder of Cooler Insights, I am a geek marketer with almost 30 years of senior management experience in marketing, public relations and strategic planning. Since becoming an entrepreneur 11 years ago, my team and I have helped 120 companies and almost 7,000 trainees in digital marketing, focusing on content, social media and brand storytelling.

One Comment

  1. woah, u guys went to the strawberry farm? I love strawberries man..mmm..

    I always liked how you expose your family to such things, beats the heck out of TV I say.. 😉

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