On a Cold, Dark and Still Night…

September 20, 2009 3 comments

After a fun-filled day of climbing windy cliffs, gawking at gaping pelicans, and strolling amongst slippery sea lions, we made our way back to our resort at American River of Kangaroo Island. The night was cold, very dark (street lights are infrequent on Kangaroo Island) and extremely quiet. Not a soul was stirring as our rented car trundled past the dirt path nearing our residence at Casuarina Suites.


Until suddenly, I thought I spotted something with two bright shining eyes staring right at me beside the fence on the road.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen! Our first kangaroo at Kangaroo Isl…. Ummm wait kangaroos aren’t that small right? As we steered the car and slowed down to a crawl amidst the trees and bushes framing the night sky…


Behold! We spotted not just one but a few of them… wallabies (yes that’s what they were). Kangaroo Island wallabies just outside our holiday home. Here’s one of them:


And another one of them little furry marsupials…


Boy, were we excited and happy that night! Nothing beats hunting for wallabies in your own (holiday) backyard.

After having a good night’s rest, it was time for us to leave our temporary home. You can see Ethan looking quite sad and morose at that prospect…


Or was he really that despondent? Look again.


I took some shots of the serene, rustic and scenic surroundings, like this post office here (which also functioned quaintly as the front office of our accommodation).


And a nearby church for the tiny congregation on the island.


Further down the road, I stopped to fill up the gas tank of the car at this place, which also doubled up as a convenience store.


We took the opportunity to admire the river-side landscape and environment. First was Ethan and Tina.


Followed by Ethan and myself. Notice how our son is always one step ahead of us!


Like in almost all stopovers, Ethan spent some time in the playground here…


During this time, we decided to spend some time bird-watching. The first water fowl we encountered though didn’t appear very happy or active.


Fortunately, the rest were quite happily doing what birds of the same feather do, besides flocking together of course. Pelicans and seagulls were resting in the grass patch in the sun.


Ibises were wading in the water and looking for some tasty marine morsel of crustacean or fish.


While black swans were swimming gracefully in the still water.


It was literally and figuratively a picture of peace and placidity, calming and soothing for the mind, body and soul.

Will we finally get to see some REAL kangaroos here? The answer can be found in my next post…

NB – No animals, birds or humans were harmed in the making of this post.

By Walter
Founder of Cooler Insights, I am a geek marketer with almost 30 years of senior management experience in marketing, public relations and strategic planning. Since becoming an entrepreneur 11 years ago, my team and I have helped 120 companies and almost 7,000 trainees in digital marketing, focusing on content, social media and brand storytelling.


  1. Wow this is night safari with no boundaries! We drove around Western Australia before and nearly hit a very big kangaroo in the evening. However, we did run over a hare, unfortunately…
    Talking about Penang, I was there during X’mas 2 yrs ago and it was an enjoyable trip, though Orchard Rd was still more happening ha! Anyway just came back from Penang 3 weeks ago n I already put on weight cos of all the irresistible Penang and Ipoh food.

  2. Thanks for sharing. Very happy to read it on a Saturday morning.

    One thing great about holiday destination like the one you wrote is that we can see some wildlifes. In Singapore, I can only see stray cats and black crows … lol.

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