Celebrities Galore @ Omy Blog Awards

September 6, 2008 Blog 12 comments


It was a starry starry night, with blogging stars and celebrity bloggers alike thronging the Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM) last night. ACM was all abuzz when the Omy Blog Awards was held at its River Room. Bloggers and social media users from all walks of life – students, young adults, mothers and fathers – gathered to participate in the event. It was a pretty interesting experience for me to combine work and play.

During the course of the evening, I had the privilege to meet both old and new friends from the blogging communities. They include Chun See, Marina, Claudia, DK, Chillycraps, Eastcoastlife, ieatishootipost, Sparklette, Samantha Chan, Angela Jean, Alice Cheong, Sabrina, and Miss loi amongst others. Special thanks to the team at Mypaper/Wo bao and Omy, Editor Chim Kang and Alvin, for having this event at our museum. Many thanks too to my hardworking team at NHB – Wei Chong, David, Kimberly and Kenny – for making this possible.
Celebrity DJ Danny Yeo hosted the event in both English and Mandarin – true to the spirit of Wo Bao and My Paper!

Comedian extraordinaire Jack Neo, flush with success from Money Not Enough 2’s roaring performance at the box offices.

A shot of four of the VIPs that night. Singapore’s leading artist Tan Swie Hian, Editor of ZB Sunday Mr Pan Cheng Lui, Editor of Zaobao Mr Lim Jim Koon, and celebrity filmmaker Jack Neo.

Singapore’s most famous (and expensive I might add) hairstylist for the stars David Gan, giving the Best Individual Blog award to Jane Chin.

Josh Lim, boss of Advertlets, presenting the award for Best Blog Shop to Miss Celine Loi of Joss Sticks.

Another celebrity (told you it was a starry night!) Jamie Teo giving the honours to Best Photo Blog winner Eunice Khong.

Of course, one of the highlights that night was the abundant food (a bit too much I might add), which sustained everyone through bouts of chatting and camwhoring.

* PS – Ping Chuen, thanks for highlighting my boo boo to me! 🙂

By Walter
Founder of Cooler Insights, I am a geek marketer with almost 30 years of senior management experience in marketing, public relations and strategic planning. Since becoming an entrepreneur 11 years ago, my team and I have helped 120 companies and almost 7,000 trainees in digital marketing, focusing on content, social media and brand storytelling.


  1. Funny, I didn’t remember the food because I didn’t eat. haha…. My hubby and son said it was good.

    That’s a lovely room for holding events. I was actually expecting to be surrounded by artefacts but then it would be impossible because one accident and it would be disastrous! 🙂

    It was lovely to see so many old friends and make new ones. I hope to meet the team behind NHB one day. You guys and gals rock!!

  2. Hello! Nice to know you here, blogging about the interesting gathering!

    Yeah! So glad to stand beside Miss Singapore Jaime Teo for photo shooting! Btw, Jane Chin got the Best Individual Blog award, not me =) , mine is Photo Blog. Thanks for linking me up! =)

  3. Yes! Wonder if Mr Tan Swie Hian will blog after you “psycho” him that night hehehe. If he blogs, I will nominate him for the next contest! heheh

  4. Thanks Walter! Hope to see you again at my humble blog. I will link you up now. Hope you can link me here too 😉


  5. Thanks for adding me here =)

    Those places that you mentioned, I have never been there before. I regretted for not visit Cambodia’s Angkor Wat during my stay in Ho Chi Minh, should kill two birds with one stone! Mine are just normal photos, it’s just that the sceneries are nice and photogenic. Will look forward to your posts!

  6. Hey I actually had a vision the other day. I actually switched my fantasias dream to something different. I wanted to know travel the world and book a two week vacation in every country. I know its gonna be tough but seeing art like this and hearing so many good things about Cambodia, who wouldn’t wanna go!?

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