Tag: grassroots evangelism

Branding in The Social Age

November 6, 2013 Social Influence 1 comment

Branding in the Social Age
Coke, Starbucks and Subway are leading social brands (courtesy of Slashfood)

How do you create a social brand? Are there any differences between a traditional brand and a social brand?

In the age of social and digital media, traditional methods of branding are not enough. The process of building and implementing a brand needs to consider the unique characteristics of the social ecosystem.

Should Museums Attract Niche Or Mass Audiences?

October 31, 2011 Blog 2 comments

NHB’s Night Festival 2008

I love reading Nina Simon’s Museum 2.0 blog for her cutting insights on stuff happening in my neck of the woods. One of the issues that she recently wrote about – audience development – is something that museums and art galleries in Singapore are also grappling with.

In her post, Nina questioned the need for museums to organise “hip” events to attract younger audiences at the expense of alienating a broader more diverse crowd. While many museums have shifted from being a “cabinet of curiosities” for an elite few to “community destinations”, the question now arises whether their activities should be narrowly focused on distinct segments or appeal more broadly across visitor groups.

Of Tribes, Leaders and Heretics

July 12, 2009 Social Influence 1 comment

I just completed marketing maven Seth Godin’s book on leadership titled “Tribes – We Need You to Lead Us”.

As a long-time fan of “Sethology”, I have always marvelled at his cutting edge ideas and thought provoking approaches to marketing, lapping up past works like “Purple Cow”, “The Big Moo”, “The Dip” and “Meatball Sundae”. I am also an avid reader of his wonderfully written blog, which is a must-visit site on my list of must-visit sites.