Death of Blogging?

August 2, 2007 Social Influence 10 comments

Are blogs destined for the grave? (courtesy of Greg Ortega)

Are blogs heading the way of the Dodo? Or would they be here for the long haul?

Here is an extension of Steve Rubel’s thoughts on whether our obsession with newer and more summarised all-in-one platforms may lead to the demise of the beloved blog. As usual, he gave a no-holds-barred analysis of the situation coupled with his usual whimsical touch.

“Earlier this week we chatted – here and on Twitter – about Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS). Our appetite for new technologies and channels is certainly insatiable, but it points to a larger trend.

Perhaps we’re in search of a new format (or formats) to replace the almighty blog.

What, wither blogging? Not quite. I believe blogs remain extremely powerful and I plan to be a multi-format contributor. Still, a perfect storm is brewing that could one day mark the decline of the long form blog as we know and love it today. BL Ochman and Michael Tangeman are two that are pondering the same trend.

Let’s take a closer look at what’s happening. There are three big forces at bay here.

First, there’s the Attention Crash. The demands on our time, be they work, family, shiny objects or all of the above loom large. This is changing our media habits. We crave what’s pithy and fun.

That’s one reason why YouTube and widgets got hot.

Second, there’s the proliferation of mobile Internet usage. I don’t have the statistics handy but my gut is that the upper strata of Forrester’s participation ladder includes many smart-phone owners.

As a reporter from MSNBC found, you can increasingly do a lot with these devices by themselves. On my next short trip I plan to leave my laptop at home in favor of my iPhone, especially if I can plan it all so that I am around wifi.

What this all means is that mobile platforms and devices encourages people to publish more often, but in a far shorter format.

Last but not least we have social networking. These sites and services make it easier for us to tune into “signals” – e.g. people and topics we care about – and tune out noise.

So what does this mean all for blogging? I imagine over time some erosion. We will unsubscribe from low quality blogs written by strangers that we truly don’t have time for, in favor of tuning into friends and their mobile streams.

Perhaps it’s already happening.”

From what I see so far of the Singapore blogosphere, this weariness with the blogging format is already happening.

For sure, people are still blogging and sharing their thoughts, analyses, dreams, wishes and lives with the rest of the online world. However, there is a certain maturity in the state of the Singapore blogosphere, and people are starting to get on with the rest of their lives.

Perhaps the lustre of this shiny bright object is wearing off? 😉

By Walter
Founder of Cooler Insights, I am a geek marketer with almost 30 years of senior management experience in marketing, public relations and strategic planning. Since becoming an entrepreneur 11 years ago, my team and I have helped 120 companies and almost 7,000 trainees in digital marketing, focusing on content, social media and brand storytelling.


  1. hey Walter,

    It’s sort of nice that the lustre of blogs are starting to die down in Singapore. perhaps this is where we only the top few remian, for the purpose of influence.

    However, I think people will still maintain blogs to keep in contact with their own social circles, content becomes more specialised and micro-casted and most of our current broadcast models will change, perhaps to cater to how people choose to consume media?

    exciting thoughts! oh yeah, great panel at IPRS2.0, i was there -) enjoyed myself.

    you can visit my blog at

    – brian

  2. Heyo Walter, blogs are gonna die? I think maybe for the personal diary bloggers – but not for professional interest blogs started with an objective in mind.

    But yeah, its time to get on with life.

  3. litford,

    Thanks for popping over. Nice term there – microcasting – which kind of describes the fragmentation of blog readershop and authorship into many small niche genres. Keeping up the momentum for blogging is not that easy with the multiple vicissitudes of hectic modern life demanding time from us. At some point of time, something got to give.

  4. eastcoastlife,

    Well, I think that one way to ensure greater sustainability is to blog on a lower frequency, or to do shorter posts. This is why I occasionally just put up photos and clever captions rather than feature length posts.

    Its ultimately all about relationships, which is what human beings are made for.

  5. kian ann,

    Good to see you! I think its interesting to note that there are increasingly more professional or topic-oriented blogs arising in Singapore’s blogosphere. Food for one is very popular. So is fashion. I am sure there will still be the photo “whores” and the megalomaniacal bloggers around in time, but their prominence will be replaced by a gradual smoothening of the curve to mainstream bloggers.

  6. I do agree that blogging seems to be affected by the rise in microblogging formats like Twitter. After posting snippets all day, what’s left?

    What I see happening is that people spend their time Twittering to their community, but use their blogs for long posts. So, yes, we’ll probably post less frequently, but it will be more meaningful.

  7. I’ve only just started blogging so much of the technological mumbo jumbo still baffles me. But I don’t want to be left in the dinasour age so I’m determined to master this – one of my goals while I take a break from work. Sounds like by the time I’m ‘there’, this could all be history! But my take is that blogs that give value (informative, insights, or just silly entertainment) will still be around. My short experience is that it is time consuming putting up content that gives value and if you’re not a professional blogger making a living from it, that time becomes expensive. So perhaps at the end of the day, it could be just those blogs that help sell and market products and services that survive.

  8. shaine,

    That’s a keen observation. Its kind of like a hybrid between blogs, IRC, and MSN. With Twittering, Jaiku-ing and Pownce-ing, we get small microposts which are interactive yet not to the immediacy of say MSN chats. Those who enjoy publishing will still do so through the longer blog formats, but as earlier alluded to, frequency may be reduced.

  9. justcate,

    Thanks for popping over and good points there about the “cost” of blogging. I find that doing it over and above your other responsibilities both at work and at home can be a difficult balance. For me, its a kind of release which allows me to express myself, stimulate my intellect and interact with others. It keeps me sane and in touch with my other more creative side.

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