Implementation 101

July 9, 2012 Blog 1 comment

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In a world inundated by social networks, ideas are plentiful. Just google any topic and you’ll find truckloads of tips and thoughts. There are a plethora of experts out there who are willing to give you lots of free help.

Including…ahem… yours truly. 🙂

The value, however, isn’t just in dreaming up the next Apple, Facebook or Coca-Cola. Instead, it is in executing, building and making that vision a reality. Without an attitude of roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-it-done-already, the best laid plans go awry.

How does one get cracking then? Here are some tips (I call them Implementation 101) to begin with.

1) Schedule it in your diary. Whatever gets written gets done. There is really no point in spending two hours talking about a dream without putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard).

2) Break it up into manageable chunks and start attacking the first activity right away. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Start moving.

3) Don’t wait for a perfectly cloudless sun-kissed day to begin. Instead, learn to start come hell or highwater. The longer your procrastinate, the longer you’ll take to achieve your goals.

4) Leverage the power of informal networks. You’ll be amazed how important your relationships are in offering advice, information, and encouragement to get that thing done.

5) Bring others along on your journey. In fact, see if you can publicly share what you intend to do. Confession is good for the soul. It also makes your more accountable and committed to keeping up to your word.

6) When you face obstacles, don’t moan, groan or bitch endlessly. Kill that attitude of complaining, and treat each barrier as a learning point that helps you to refine your craft. Remember that fire helps to refine and purify gold!

7) Stay focused on completing your project and minimise distractions. If Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or WhatsApp is making your eyes wander, close those screens or switch your mobile to “Flight” mode. You can go into discourse mode AFTER you’ve completed your task.

8) If you need to, take occasional breaks to conserve your energy. Some projects may take years, while others may take weeks or months. A little diversion here and there helps you to refresh and recharge your batteries. However, don’t stray away for too long.

9) Set a deadline that is achievable but tight. From experience, I find that the best way to get things done is to limit the amount of time you have to get things done.

10) Finally, give yourself solid blocks of time to do hard and thinking work. Close the door, escape the office (get permission of course), and find a place where you can really concentrate on cranking out that numbers-filled report, application, or press release.

By Walter
Founder of Cooler Insights, I am a geek marketer with almost 30 years of senior management experience in marketing, public relations and strategic planning. Since becoming an entrepreneur 11 years ago, my team and I have helped 120 companies and almost 7,000 trainees in digital marketing, focusing on content, social media and brand storytelling.

One Comment

  1. Hi mate! I really like the part about bringing others along on the journey and share with them what you intend to do.

    If I may, I would like to add that; it might also be great if we could introduce some Friendly Competition along the way – ok, it really depends on what the task(s) is, and whether a competition is suitable in the context, BUT being human, Being Singaporean, Being KIASU (Afraid to lose out), a little competition among mates can be useful to encourage and push each other towards achieving the goal.

    maybe a friendly bet where the loser gets to buy the beer, or if its among couples, the loser gets to clean the kitchen.. etc

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