10 Ways To Beat The Writer’s Blues

May 25, 2014 Content Marketing 4 comments

10 Ways to Beat the Writer's Blues
Courtesy of An Adventure in Words

What is the most terrifying thing to a writer, blogger or author?

One that could totally ruin his or her day?

a) A bad case of writer’s block;

b) A total lack of inspiration or drive;

c) An inability to escape from digital distractions;

d) An utter and complete lack of energy; or

e) All of the above?

Like many of my fellow writers out there, I get hit every now and then by the writers block. Precipitated by aggravating factors such as a lack of sleep, high stress, and an unending stream of distractions, the writers block turns an otherwise productive wordsmith into a daydreaming dumbo.

How can you overpower the enemies of your muse so that you can get back to writing regularly and productively? Is there a magic pill one can swallow to instantly turn on the author’s muse?

From what I’ve read, the best way to melt that writer’s block isn’t to sit in front of a blank screen and wait for genius to flash by. While one’s muse could serendipitously emerge, chances are that such occurrences are rare and far between.

To escape the torment of the empty page, consider embracing the following habits:

Stick to a writing routine

Establish a routine and stick to it as much as possible. The best writers out there always have a fixed time to begin writing.

Often, this is the first thing in the morning when their minds are fresh and when their surroundings are quiet and serene. Having said that, I also know of many night owls who are most productive in the witching hour…

Get physical to write better

Run, swim, cycle, or walk. Any form of exercise, particularly outdoors, helps to boost one’s energy levels and to calm one’s nerves.

Some of the world’s most famous authors like Stephen King and Haruki Murakami follow a regular exercise routine to keep their creative juices flowing.

Surround yourself with books

Visit a library or a bookstore, and browse. Always have with you a pen and paper so that you can jot down any ideas which strike you while reading through other people’s work.

Of course, the digitally savvy could also do so using a tablet or smartphone.

Music + meditation = great writing

Listen to music, close your eyes and imagine. Alternatively, you may wish to empty your mind and try to meditate. If possible, try not to drift to sleep.

Sometimes, inspiration strikes while you’re waltzing in your mind to Mozart, rocking to the latest Billboard hit, or just allowing your thoughts to drift randomly and lazily.

Movies help in storytelling

Watch a good movie or two. Often, the visual, aural and emotional connection afforded by motion pictures helps to trigger ideas which you could use as fodder for your prose.

Good films are also imbued with strong narrative elements and memes which could spark off your writing momentum.

Grab a bite and a drink

Bustle around in the kitchen. Make yourself a strong cup of cappuccino, indulge in a delicate cup of green tea, or savour a sinfully creamy ice cream. Such diversions may sometimes help to stimulate your writing.

Tour your neighbourhood

Go for a mini excursion around your neighbourhood. Open your eyes, ears, nose, and heart to what’s happening around you.

See if you can immerse yourself in the action – kids playing soccer in the basketball court, aromas from a kitchen wok, or the symphony of cars and buses on the road.

Read something different

Read something totally different from your usual fare. This can be anything from cook books to religious texts to fantasy novels. Of course, you need to have readily available these reading materials for consumption.

Let nostalgia be your guide

Look through your old photos and let the memories fill your hearts and minds. Reflect and recollect on the experiences of bygone years and just soak it all in.

Go off the grid for a bit

Finally, log off from the computer, switch off your smartphones and go off the grid (for a while). Completely.

While there are tonnes of invaluable resources online that can help you to write better (like this blog post!), you may also be tempted to wander online from Facebook to Twitter to Whatsapp to Candy Crush Saga.

Do you have other ways of overcoming the writer’s blues?

By Walter
Founder of Cooler Insights, I am a geek marketer with almost 30 years of senior management experience in marketing, public relations and strategic planning. Since becoming an entrepreneur 11 years ago, my team and I have helped 120 companies and almost 7,000 trainees in digital marketing, focusing on content, social media and brand storytelling.


  1. Impose a time limit, use an old fashioned kitchen timer. You’d be surprised how creating a sense of urgency can stir you into action. It’s why they have a clock facing you in every exam room.

  2. Thanks for your comments!

    Yourfriend – Good idea. I’ve certainly been practising that, although perhaps not as much as I would love to.

    Jackson – That’s really cool! OK, maybe I should start doing that starting from today. Like now! 🙂

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