Tag: channels

Why Businesses Must Act Like Media

March 1, 2015 Content Marketing, Social Influence no comments

Why Businesses Must Act Like Media
Do all businesses need a media arm like Red Bull? (courtesy of Red Bull Media House)

Paid. Earned. Owned.

In the social age, these are the three forms of media that every business should take note of. Collectively, these social channels allow you to inform, educate, persuade, and transact with your customers. They also form the foundations upon which content marketing is built upon.

Influencer Marketing 101

October 20, 2013 Content Marketing, Social Influence 5 comments

Zillions of pre-teens are under his influence (courtesy of The Global Daily)

Are you under the influence?

If you’re like the billions on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or other social networks, you most definitely are. While we can also be influenced by mainstream channels like newspapers, television, radio and magazines, chances are that it is the people we know – our family and friends – who exert the most influence on our behaviours and actions.