Tag: green activism

How to Start and Sustain a Movement

January 28, 2012 Blog no comments

Chek Jawa @ Pulau Ubin
Student volunteer guides Jessie and Janet from Naked Hermit Crabs

By now, you’ve probably heard how social technologies can transform social, political and environmental movements. Globally, one can find numerous examples of causes given an online shot-in-the-arm through Twitter, Facebook, Youtube videos, shared photos, and other platforms. These channels have been further accelerated by the ubiquity of mobile apps on smartphones, tablets and other devices.

While the tools for making a difference have expanded tremendously, the core principles of creating and sustaining a cause are less well understood. Through a recent guided tour of Chek Jawa led by the Naked Hermit Crabs, I had the privilege of speaking to Ms Ria Tan, a passionate nature activist and founder of the Wild Singapore website.  A close associate of my good friend Siva (another legend in nature circles), Ria provided useful insights on her journey.

Creating a Better Future for Our Cities

August 31, 2011 Blog 3 comments

Courtesy of Alex Steffen

Is there hope for our planet as the world population continues to explode?  What measures can cities do to reduce their resource and energy use, narrow their carbon footprints, and give our planet a fighting chance for survival? 

In a recent TED video, Journalist and sustainable activist Alex Steffen unveiled some surprisingly effective solutions to the climate change problem.  Founder of the online magazine Worldchanging.com, Steffen proposed a couple of “cool” solutions and ideas that urban planners can consider: