Tag: influencer marketing

Influencer Marketing 101

October 20, 2013 Content Marketing, Social Influence 5 comments

Zillions of pre-teens are under his influence (courtesy of The Global Daily)

Are you under the influence?

If you’re like the billions on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or other social networks, you most definitely are. While we can also be influenced by mainstream channels like newspapers, television, radio and magazines, chances are that it is the people we know – our family and friends – who exert the most influence on our behaviours and actions.

10 Ways to Build Thriving Communities

August 4, 2013 Social Influence 2 comments

If content is the bread that sustains the social web, communities would be the hams, cheeses and salads which nourish it.

Without communities, the most intriguing and fascinating content would lie fallow. In fact, one of the must dos in social media marketing is to build your social networks, recruit your fans, inculcate brand love, and get them to spread the word.

From Integrated Marcoms to Content Marketing

October 29, 2012 Content Marketing 7 comments

Integrated Marcoms to Content Marketing
Courtesy of fedobe

What is the difference between Integrated Marketing Communication and Content Marketing? Why is Content Marketing taking the world by storm?

The old paradigm of Integrated Marketing Communication (or IMC) is dying. In a world fragmented by zillions of online, mobile and offline channels, consumers are tuning out advertisements faster than you can produce them. With endless “ad-free” options to choose from, nobody wants to be interrupted by your brand anymore.

What can marketers do in such a landscape?

Shoestring Marketing for Small Businesses

March 25, 2012 Blog no comments

Source of Image

What can small businesses, start-ups, free-lancers and other budding entrepreneurs do to build their reach? How can they compete against bigger companies with deeper pockets, greater resources and fuller teams?

In general, the clue is to look at what big conglomerates are doing, and then try to do the opposite – in a customer pleasing fashion of course. Clueless where to start? Well, here are five ideas to begin with.

Word Of Mouth in a Nutshell

February 15, 2007 Blog 9 comments

Word of Mouse in Action!

I am currently reading the Secrets of Word-of-Mouth Marketing, a book by George Silverman, which I borrowed from the National Library. Fascinating stuff in there with some explanation of how one can make Word Of Mouth (WOM) marketing work.

Let me highlight two key learning points. First is the Buying Decision Process. Those who studied Marketing 101 may be familiar with this. The stages are as follows: