Personal branding is one of the most popular buzzword in the self-help community in Singapore.
But how do you build your personal brand? And what steps can you take?
Personal branding is one of the most popular buzzword in the self-help community in Singapore.
But how do you build your personal brand? And what steps can you take?
Can you name me the top digital marketing agencies in the world?
I bet that most of you would have trouble remembering any of them. This isn’t surprising considering that most agency’s prefer their client campaigns to hog the limelight.
Personal branding is often misunderstood by many.
Some consider personal branding an egoistic exercise in self-aggrandizement. Others feel that personal branding is just social media snake oil – an elixir which so-called “experts” and “gurus” try to foist on the naive.
“I’ve had it with this crap! I want to start my dream business.”
Sounds familiar? Chances are that almost every one of us would have gone through that stage in life.
People photo created by jcomp –
How are you feeling today? I mean right now at this very moment as you are reading this article.
Is your heart racing like a jackhammer due to the non-stop rushing from point to point?
Or are you in a place of wholeness, balance and happiness?
Courtesy of Daily Devotional
Do you know what you are truly paying for in every aspect of your life? What are the different “life currencies” that we trade with?
Nope they aren’t just time and money, although both of those “life currencies” are extremely important.
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” – Nelson Mandela
Freedom, like love, is a many splendoured thing. All forms of freedom are interrelated. You may have some of the freedoms all of the time, but not all of the freedoms all of the time.
Guilty pleasures. That’s something many of us suffer from. Especially when it comes to consuming online content.
We scroll through never-ending feeds of the sizzling and sensational. From celebrity confessions, adorably cute animals, to gruesome murders, religious riots and the latest episode of “Who should we publicly shame today?”
Have you wondered how some people lead such joyful and fulfilled lives? What is the secret sauce behind their success?
After studying the behaviours of numerous successful individuals and reading a tonne of motivational and self-help books, I believe that it all boils down to pursuing empowering habits.
The human mind is one of the most brilliant creations on Earth. There isn’t a computer invented by man that can rival what happens between his ears.
Unfortunately, our minds are vulnerable to various quirks and idiosyncrasies which makes us prone to errors. Don’t believe me? Just look at the examples highlighted by Dan Ariely in Predictably Irrational.