Tag: search engine optimisation

Is AI Really Ruining Google’s SERPs?

August 7, 2023 Content Marketing 1 comment

In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital world, search engine result pages (SERPs) have become the heart and soul of online discovery. As internet users, we rely on search engines, and in particular, Google, to deliver accurate, relevant, and reliable information at our fingertips.

However, as Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to assert its dominance in the technology realm, questions have emerged regarding its impact on Google’s SERPs.

The Buzz Behind Google’s Hummingbird

February 2, 2014 Content Marketing, Social Influence no comments

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In case you don’t already know, the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is going to the birds. Or more specifically, the Hummingbird.

Announcing its brand new algorithm for search recently at its birthday, Google’s Hummingbird claims to make search more natural, contextual and human. In other words, trying to “game” the system through unrelated keywords, meta-tags, links, and other spammy devices may work less effectively in future.

Social Marketology: Book Review

June 6, 2013 Book Reviews no comments

Social media marketing is probably the most heavily written management topic on the planet. Unfortunately, many books, articles, blogs and podcasts on social media focus too heavily on the “feel good” factor of success stories. These tend to be more inspirational than instructional.

Ric Dragon’s seminal publication Social Marketology is different. Providing a methodical framework covering strategy, organisation, execution and measurement, the book provides a step by step process to managing the social media marketing function.