Author: coolerinsights

Brandwashed by Martin Lindstrom: A Book Review

March 13, 2012 Book Reviews 1 comment

Martin Lindstrom Brandwashed

Wonder why you are perpetually tethered to your smartphone, refusing to put it down even when your kids are yelling at you?

Or started eating that tub of delicious Haagen Dazs ice cream, and couldn’t stop until it’s all gone.

Perhaps you’ve got a 10 year old boy who nagged you incessantly about getting him that latest Play Station Portable (PSP) which all his friends in school have.

Relentless Focus – A Strategy for Success

March 2, 2012 Blog 3 comments

Courtesy of Lifehack

Ever wondered why some people can accomplish so much while others simply drift by? After all, don’t we all have only 24 hours a day and 7 days a week?

The trick is not in doing multiple things at once. In fact, the more multi-tasked you are – checking your Facebook account, listening to a sermon on iPod, reading the papers, and writing an essay – the less productive you will be.

Creating Great Experiences at Universal Studios Singapore

February 27, 2012 Blog 2 comments

Battlestar Galactica @ Universal Studios Singapore

On a recent study trip to Universal Studios Singapore (USS) at Resorts World Sentosa (RWS), I had the privilege of learning how the theme park – arguably the most popular in Southeast Asia – creates, develops and manages memorable and delightful guest encounters. While these strategies do not cover all aspects of a world class theme park’s operation, they do form an important component of their visitor experiences. These help to trigger positive word of mouth and generate repeat visits.

Extensive and Immersive Theming