Posts Under: Social Influence

The 3 Illusions of the Social Media Age

April 23, 2015 Social Influence 1 comment

Don’t let your eyes fool you (courtesy of Tech Whiz)

We’re living in an age of illusions. One where lives are built and destroyed by that perpetually glowing screen in front of us.

Love it or loathe it, the social web is here to stay. We spend so much time online that our entire socio-cultural landscape has shifted in immense and incredible ways. For some, being unplugged for even two hours can be unfathomably torturous.

Social Physics – A New Science of Influence

April 20, 2015 Content Marketing, Social Influence 1 comment

Social Physics Influencer Marketing
Sandy Pentland of MIT (courtesy of MIT)

Why do ideas spread from person to person? How do we marry the worlds of social influence, big data, and behavioural economics?

Enter Social Physics, a concept coined by MIT Professor Alex “Sandy” Pentland. Director of the Human Dynamics Laboratory, Pentland’s book Social Physics: How Good Ideas Spread – The Lessons from New Science proposes a new theory of human social interaction.

Influencer Marketing Ethics in Singapore

March 22, 2015 Social Influence 1 comment

Original image designed by Freepik

How should social media influencers act when faced with a moral dilemma? What is considered ethical and unethical in influencer marketing?

As I’ve previously blogged before in Who’s Your Influencer, online influencers are individuals who can “influence” the purchase decisions of others by virtue of their authority, knowledge, reputation or “likability”.