Posts Under: Social Influence

Mastering the Power of Habits

November 20, 2013 Social Influence no comments

Mockup psd created by freepik –

Good or bad, habits are hard to break. Try refraining from showering for a week—or even a day—to see what I mean!

As the old song by Chicago goes, habits can be hard to break. Especially addictive ones like smoking, binge drinking, watching television (especially Netflix), scrolling through Facebook or Instagram (oops guilty!), or lazing on the couch.

Branding in The Social Age

November 6, 2013 Social Influence 1 comment

Branding in the Social Age
Coke, Starbucks and Subway are leading social brands (courtesy of Slashfood)

How do you create a social brand? Are there any differences between a traditional brand and a social brand?

In the age of social and digital media, traditional methods of branding are not enough. The process of building and implementing a brand needs to consider the unique characteristics of the social ecosystem.

Influencer Marketing 101

October 20, 2013 Content Marketing, Social Influence 5 comments

Zillions of pre-teens are under his influence (courtesy of The Global Daily)

Are you under the influence?

If you’re like the billions on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or other social networks, you most definitely are. While we can also be influenced by mainstream channels like newspapers, television, radio and magazines, chances are that it is the people we know – our family and friends – who exert the most influence on our behaviours and actions.

Something Beautiful – A Marriage of Art with Fashion

October 6, 2013 Content Marketing, Social Influence 1 comment

Kay Wong and Adeline Yeo at the launch of their collection

What do you get when you mix women’s fashion, finger painting art and motherhood? The answer is Something Beautiful

Hatched in far away Prague during a Spotlight Singapore business trip led by my friend art administrator Colin Goh, this collaborative effort came about when Singapore fashion designer Kay Wong of online fashion retailer Milky Way teamed up with finger-painting artist Adeline Yeo. Through the partnership, Kay and Adeline combined their creative and entrepreneurial talents in a business venture that infuses the beauty of art into ladies wear targeted at mothers.

Life in the Social Era

August 25, 2013 Content Marketing, Social Influence 2 comments

Image courtesy of Fedobe

In the age of social media, life becomes a spectator sport. The only difference is that we’re both the athlete and the audience in this arena.

Meals, shopping trips, holidays, and events become Instagram, Flickr or YouTube moments. Daily murmurs are framed on Facebook while fleeting thoughts (in 140 characters or less) are immortalised on Twitter. The more verbose (like yours truly) would seek the solace of blogs, documenting their thoughts in detail.

10 Ways to Build Thriving Communities

August 4, 2013 Social Influence 2 comments

If content is the bread that sustains the social web, communities would be the hams, cheeses and salads which nourish it.

Without communities, the most intriguing and fascinating content would lie fallow. In fact, one of the must dos in social media marketing is to build your social networks, recruit your fans, inculcate brand love, and get them to spread the word.