Tag: brand strategy

The Role of Visual Branding in Website Design and Marketing

May 23, 2024 Content Marketing 4 comments

The Role of Visual Branding in Website Design and Marketing

Visual branding is one of the most important components of digital marketing. It determines how consumers perceive a business on the internet and is key to a good user experience.

But what exactly is visual branding? All the visual aspects of what identify a firm: the logo, color schemes, typefaces, and imagery. It is these very elements that actually convey a business’s brand personality, values, and promises to its audience.

Why Movements Matter (And How You Can Use It In Marketing)

February 2, 2016 Social Influence no comments

ImNoAngel Movement Marketing

I’m No Angel (#ImNoAngel) by Lane Bryant is a good example of Movement Marketing

In today’s “hyperconnected, ultra-competitive, and supercluttered marketplace,” doing more of the same big idea advertising on mostly mainstream media channels isn’t going to work anymore.

Consumers are getting jaded and overloaded with information – much of which has little or no relevance to their lives nor their interests.

The Death of the Music Album

March 30, 2014 Business and Management 1 comment

Katy Perry’s Prism isn’t getting off to a colourful start (courtesy of The Katy Perry Wiki)

Katy Perry is a global mega-star.

Her music videos on YouTube generate hundreds of million views (over 201 million for “Roar”). Her Facebook fan page has almost 60 million “likes”. Over 47 million followers worship her on Twitter. Her hits (like “Fireworks” and “Teenage Dream”) are so well known that anybody from school kids to grandparents are humming along to their melodies.

Branding in The Social Age

November 6, 2013 Social Influence 1 comment

Branding in the Social Age
Coke, Starbucks and Subway are leading social brands (courtesy of Slashfood)

How do you create a social brand? Are there any differences between a traditional brand and a social brand?

In the age of social and digital media, traditional methods of branding are not enough. The process of building and implementing a brand needs to consider the unique characteristics of the social ecosystem.

8 Ways Brands Can Win Fans

August 11, 2013 Blog no comments

Lady Gaga‘s little Japanese Monsters show lots of brand love (courtesy of Tokyofashion.com)

No brand is an island. Especially in the age of the mobile social web.

Going it alone is foolish when competitors are hot on your heels. It can also be extremely expensive to invest continually in new product development, mass advertising, and promotions to drive sales. What’s more, there will always be a bigger fish in the ocean.