Tag: celebrities

The Death of the Music Album

March 30, 2014 Business and Management 1 comment

Katy Perry’s Prism isn’t getting off to a colourful start (courtesy of The Katy Perry Wiki)

Katy Perry is a global mega-star.

Her music videos on YouTube generate hundreds of million views (over 201 million for “Roar”). Her Facebook fan page has almost 60 million “likes”. Over 47 million followers worship her on Twitter. Her hits (like “Fireworks” and “Teenage Dream”) are so well known that anybody from school kids to grandparents are humming along to their melodies.

Influencer Marketing 101

October 20, 2013 Content Marketing, Social Influence 5 comments

Zillions of pre-teens are under his influence (courtesy of The Global Daily)

Are you under the influence?

If you’re like the billions on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or other social networks, you most definitely are. While we can also be influenced by mainstream channels like newspapers, television, radio and magazines, chances are that it is the people we know – our family and friends – who exert the most influence on our behaviours and actions.

Universal Studios Singapore Opens in Grand Fashion

May 28, 2011 Blog 4 comments

Universal Studios Grand Opening - 28 May 2011
Ethan’s certainly enjoyed his first visit to Universal Studios Singapore

Lights… Cameras… and so much action! That sums up the grand opening of Universal Studios Singapore this morning.

After allowing members of the public to visit parts of the park in stages, Universal Studios Singapore finally had its grand opening party. Thanks to the kind folks of Resorts World Sentosa, I was able to bring Ethan along to soak in the hot and festive fun. Participating in the extravaganza were big names like American Idol and pop personality Paula Abdul, Chinese martial arts superstar Jet Li, screen goddess Maggie Cheung, doe-eyed Chinese actress Vicki Zhao (of “Huang Zhu Ge Ge fame”) and Kimberly Caldwell, a finalist from American Idol.