Tag: social media strategy

Do You Trust Your CEO?

June 15, 2012 Public Relations no comments

Source: Edelman Insights

Thanks to a blog post from Jackie Huba of Church of the Customer, I came to learn about Edelman Insights Presentation titled “Key Employee Engagement Findings from Edelman’s 2012 Trust Barometer”. From the survey results (graphic above), several facts seemed to pop out:

1) People are increasingly losing their trust in the heads of organisations like CEOs. This has dropped by a whopping 12% in 2012 compared to 2011.

The 5 Cs of Great Social Media Properties

May 20, 2012 Blog no comments

The platforms are free but the time and effort producing them isn’t (courtesy of zenfolio)

Let’s face it. We are swamped by content.

What used to be physical has now invaded our virtual and mobile spaces. With a gazillion blogs, videos, photos, podcasts, slide presentations, and so on, consumers are literally “consumed” by data.

Brewing a Good Story @ Social Media Breakfast

March 19, 2012 Public Relations 3 comments

Daniel Goh of The Good Beer Company

Thanks to Daryl Tay, I had the chance to attend Social Media Breakfast recently. Held at The Loft in Chinatown, it was great listening to my buddy Daniel Goh of The Good Beer Company speak about his experience in setting up a craft beer stall in a hawker centre in Chinatown. Readers may know that I first wrote about the stall when it opened back in Oct 2011.

Before he ventured into being a specialty beer seller, Daniel was a PR professional who worked in diverse companies (including mine) as well as MNCs like Samsung and Blizzard Entertainment before he ditched his corporate togs for a hawker’s apron. He also manages (and still does) a pretty solid business and entrepreneurship blog called Young Upstarts (I’m a proud contributor).

Six Pixels of Separation: Book Review

September 29, 2011 Book Reviews 2 comments

Published in 2009, Mitch Joel’s book on business strategy in the age of social media titled Six Pixels of Separation is a laudable effort to tie in the disparate threads of the online world for those keen to experiment in this space.

Covering a broad expanse of concepts and ideas – from crowdsourcing, community building, content creation, to platform specific strategies – the book provided a good introduction to the world of social media and digital engagement.

Can You Make Money from FREE?

September 2, 2010 Book Reviews 1 comment

Well, apparently Chris Anderson, author of New York Times bestseller The Long Tail and editor-in-chief of WIRED magazine, seems to think so. Moreover, you can still make a decent living out of it.

In his book, FREE: The Future of a Radical Price (which you download completely for FREE though I have the paid paper version), Anderson shared that charging people $0.00 for goods and services can only be possible primarily through cross-subsidies. These could take the following routes:

How To Finetune Your Social Media Strategy

August 31, 2010 Social Influence 1 comment

Its not about the platforms but how you use them (courtesy of Blogworks.org)

I was invited to the Strategic Online PR & Media Relations Asia 2010 conference to share how my organisation embraced social media and managed to glean some useful lessons from the other sessions.

There were a broad range of topics covered – online campaign planning, crisis communications management, brand communications, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), defamation law, social media sentiment monitoring, and web analytics.