Tag: social media strategy

Why Facebook Hasn’t Killed Face-to-Face

August 29, 2010 Blog no comments

Social technologies and networks have driven demand for meet-ups like Social Media Breakfast

One of the greatest misunderstandings about the rise of social media platforms is that it will replace the need for being physically present at places and events. After all, it is far cheaper contacting somebody via Twitter, Internet Messaging, Facebook or Skype than to meet them in the flesh.

Now that social technologies have gone mobile, your iPad, iPhone, android or symbian smartphone allows you to plug in and participate in conversations 24 by 7. Need richer levels of interaction? Simply get a mobile broadband device or tether your 3.5G phone to your laptop and you can share documents, wikis, blog posts, presentation slides, spreadsheets and more.

Talent Attraction through Social Media

August 22, 2010 Social Influence no comments

Source: The Sirona Says Blog

In an age where the competition for talents becomes red hot, the most important strategy that any organisation needs to have is to get the right people in, motivate, retain and develop them. With more and more Singaporeans spending a large amount of time online, it is critical that any HR recruitment strategy should examine how social networks and channels could be deployed in the fierce battle for talent.

In my view, there are two key ways to a social recruiting strategy: develop compelling organisational content, and leverage on the right channels and connections.

Collecting versus Creating – A Digital Dilemma?

June 10, 2010 Blog 2 comments

Don’t just collect tonnes of digital crap! (source)

Beyond the curation of online information (text, photos, videos, games etc), social media strategists should also learn how to be judicious in the art and science of collection. However, just like working in a museum, collecting digital “treasures” need to be done purposefully.

Frequent online users collect (and consume) a lot of things.