Tag: writing

How To Write a Great Speech

September 17, 2008 Public Relations 4 comments

Michelle Obama DNC

Michelle Obama at the DNC (courtesy of AP Images)

[This post was updated twice on end March 2015 and 27 July 2016]

Michelle Obama brought the house down at the Democratic National Convention this year. Her wonderful speech affirming Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was widely lauded as one of the best speeches made in the ongoing race for the President of the United States, with elections slated for 8 November 2016.

Some have even proclaimed that she was the star of the show that night – and she isn’t even a politician by any measure of the word!

Writing to Save Your Life

April 23, 2007 Content Marketing 14 comments

Image courtesy of DiscoverySchool.com

I came across this post by Kian Ann recently on the need to write well on the Internet. While crafting some suggestions to him on the comments section, I decided that I might as well expand this into a blog post.

How does one write well? Is there a secret formula that you can apply in order to be a wicked wordsmith?

How Analogies and Metaphors Uplifts Your Content

November 9, 2006 Content Marketing 2 comments


An example of an advertising analogy and metaphor 

Have you wondered why certain speakers and writers can bring their ideas across so elegantly? How do they transform a complex (and sometimes obscure) concept into one which we can see in our heads with such clarity and definition?

The answer lies in their ability to to tell stories with rich and powerful analogies, allegories and metaphors.