Tag: social business

Monster Loyalty: Book Review

January 5, 2014 Content Marketing 1 comment

Outlandish outfits. Avant garde style. Burlesque performance artist. Mother Monster.

Born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta to Italian parents, Lady Gaga is probably the greatest pop phenomenon of the 2010s. Iconoclastic and irrepressible, her eclectic and esoteric fashion sense and explosive concert performances have always been the talk of the town.

The Five Levels of Customer Engagement

October 27, 2013 Business and Management 2 comments

Group of Business People Holding Placards Forming Customer

Courtesy of DC Marketing Pro

Customers. Love them or hate them, they’re the only reason for our existence.

In the past, our customer relationships were pretty non-existent. A customer walks into a store, browses around, picks up a can of soda, pays, and leaves.

Perhaps a lady could be having her hair done at a salon, and the stylist would banter with her while trimming her tresses. After her hair is styled and cut, she departs happily to her next appointment.

Influencer Marketing 101

October 20, 2013 Content Marketing, Social Influence 4 comments

Zillions of pre-teens are under his influence (courtesy of The Global Daily)

Are you under the influence?

If you’re like the billions on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or other social networks, you most definitely are. While we can also be influenced by mainstream channels like newspapers, television, radio and magazines, chances are that it is the people we know – our family and friends – who exert the most influence on our behaviours and actions.

8 Ways Brands Can Win Fans

August 11, 2013 Blog no comments

Lady Gaga‘s little Japanese Monsters show lots of brand love (courtesy of Tokyofashion.com)

No brand is an island. Especially in the age of the mobile social web.

Going it alone is foolish when competitors are hot on your heels. It can also be extremely expensive to invest continually in new product development, mass advertising, and promotions to drive sales. What’s more, there will always be a bigger fish in the ocean.