Would you rather give your money to someone you trust or a stranger? Most people prefer to spend their hard-earned money with trustworthy sources. Building consumer trust with clients is crucial to long-term business success.
Author: coolerinsights
Facebook Marketing Best Practices for Small Businesses
Wish to grow your small business through social media marketing? Why not start with Facebook marketing — after all, Facebook is probably the best digital marketing platform for startups, Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and solopreneurs.
The Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Retargeting Ad Campaigns
Do you know that up to 96.7 percent of your website visitors are NOT ready to buy? Or that a prospect needs to hear from you at least 7 times before they’d buy (aka the Rule of 7)?
Given these sobering statistics, it makes sense to consider investing in Facebook retargeting (or remarketing) ads.
How to Build a Billion Dollar Unicorn Company
Direct-to-consumer brands are disrupting traditional brands like never before. Also called unicorns, these billion-dollar brands rule the consumer landscape.
From Warby Parker, Dollar Shave Club, and Bonobos, to Casper, Glossier, ThirdLove and eSalon, these digitally-native upstarts are grabbing huge chunks of market share from incumbents.
Thinking Outside the Box: Unconventional Marketing Strategies to Woo Customers
Being competitive as a business owner is nothing new, but the business landscape has unapologetically changed over the years.
Standing out from the crowd is more critical than ever, whether you have a brick-and-mortar business or a strictly digital company.
How to Efficiently Manage Operations in a Mid-Level Business: Techniques for Streamlining Processes
Managing mid-level business operations is challenging. Many medium-sized companies don’t have the resources of a huge enterprise but still need comprehensive processes to keep things running smoothly.
To avoid bottlenecks and breakdowns in communication, management must keep everyone on the same page and strive for efficiency.
How to Start a Profitable Side Hustle in One Month (Or Less)
Computer photo created by drobotdean – www.freepik.com
Want to start a side hustle doing something you love while making a decent income? Possible to launch it in a month — or even less?
You’re going to love this book review and summary!
Tailoring Your Social Media Strategy for Gen-X Consumers
Can you guess which is the most profitable generation to tap? No, not the Gen Zs but their parents — the Gen-Xes!
Generation X is the biggest spending generation today. In countries like the US, folks aged between 40 – 60 spent an average of $83,357 per year — just over $20,000 more than Baby Boomers.
How Entrepreneurs Can Turn Obstacles into Opportunities
Hit a roadblock in growing your small business lately? You are not alone.
Virtually all entrepreneurs and small business owners have encountered trials and tribulations in our start-up journeys.
4 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Apple’s Event
Dedicated corporate customers and individual superfans alike eagerly await Apple’s next monumental announcement. While they always deliver something new, Apple has demonstrated trends over the years with their product releases that inform marketers how to deftly execute their marketing strategy.