Courtesy of Jonah Berger
Do you know why some content and ideas “go viral” while others sputter along?
Wonder how you can make your articles, videos or photos spread more readily through viral marketing?
Courtesy of Jonah Berger
Do you know why some content and ideas “go viral” while others sputter along?
Wonder how you can make your articles, videos or photos spread more readily through viral marketing?
Courtesy of this YouTube Channel
Have you heard of the PPAP song? If you haven’t, you must’ve been living on another non-digital planet.
Also known as the Pen Pineapple Apple Pen song, the short 51 second ditty by Japanese comedian Kazuhiko Kosaka (who plays the fictional character named Piko-Taro) has sparked off an endless number of memes around the planet.
Kay Wong and Adeline Yeo at the launch of their collection
What do you get when you mix women’s fashion, finger painting art and motherhood? The answer is Something Beautiful.
Hatched in far away Prague during a Spotlight Singapore business trip led by my friend art administrator Colin Goh, this collaborative effort came about when Singapore fashion designer Kay Wong of online fashion retailer Milky Way teamed up with finger-painting artist Adeline Yeo. Through the partnership, Kay and Adeline combined their creative and entrepreneurial talents in a business venture that infuses the beauty of art into ladies wear targeted at mothers.
What will the future of your business be like? More importantly, what will your life be like then?
Armed with a digital crystal ball, renowned marketing podcaster and president of global digital marketing agency Mirum Mitch Joel shared his thoughts on this in his book Ctrl Alt Delete.
Image courtesy of Fedobe
In the age of social media, life becomes a spectator sport. The only difference is that we’re both the athlete and the audience in this arena.
Meals, shopping trips, holidays, and events become Instagram, Flickr or YouTube moments. Daily murmurs are framed on Facebook while fleeting thoughts (in 140 characters or less) are immortalised on Twitter. The more verbose (like yours truly) would seek the solace of blogs, documenting their thoughts in detail.
Uncover untold treasures by diving more deeply (courtesy of Daily Mail)
“If it’s not all on one page, I’m not going to read it.”
“Hey, is there a 2 minute video to show me how it’s done?”
Can you make money on social media? That is probably the most asked (and least answered) question in the digital age.
While everybody (and their dog) are on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Pinterest, few businesses are able to tap onto this huge reservoir of commercial potential.
Courtesy of What’s The Future of Business (illustration by Hugh Macleod)
Business as usual isn’t going to cut it anymore. Not with the rise of Generation-C.
According to renowned thinker Brian Solis (love his work!), Gen-C individuals spend an inordinate amount of time online and live a large fraction of their lives accessing information and interacting with others on the Internet.
Can your business help others without expecting to be paid?
Most entrepreneurs will not think so. After all, businesses are created to make a profit by selling a product or a service to a customer.
Winners of the Singapore Blog Awards with GOH Acting Minister Lawrence Wong
“I’m a blogger. Hear me roar!”
Judging by the response of the crowd at the Singapore Blog Awards 2013 held at Shanghai Dolly, it was clear that blogging was anything but dying/dead!