Posts Under: Content Marketing

Why Companies Should Think Like The Media

May 17, 2011 Content Marketing no comments

Larry Kramer of CBS MarketWatch (source of image)

In the hypercompetitive world of producing and peddling information, one finds that media companies are often compelled to innovate lest they perish.

The advent of multiple social media and networking channels, mobile connectivity, and citizen journalism have accelerated the need for the media constantly keep abreast of the latest developments in their reader’s, viewer’s and listener’s taste and preference.

How Coca-Cola Markets Holistically

May 2, 2010 Content Marketing 2 comments

Coca Cola Shanghai World Expo Pavillion
Coke Pavillion at Shanghai World Expo (Courtesy of Coca-Cola China)

Have you wondered how Coca-Cola became the world’s leading brand?

Well, thanks to Coca-Cola, I’m about to find out.

I’ve been selected by Coca-Cola to be one of two bloggers (the other is Alvinology) to fly to Shanghai for the World Expo to cover the launch of its pavillion, explore its new Global Innovation and Technology Center (GITC), and attend events such as its Founder’s Day ceremony and an Expo Celebration Concert.

So What’s the Big Deal about Transmedia?

March 24, 2010 Content Marketing 3 comments

Transmedia in a diagram (courtesy of Seize the Media)

Crossing various media platforms (or Transmedia, a term which is well expounded by Kevin Lim) isn’t something new in the world of marketing communications. We have always done that in our ever desperate bid to attract eyeballs, visitors, and revenue in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

Witness how quickly the emergence of communication technologies like the printing press, telephone, radio, television, websites, mobile phone, huge electronic billboards, bus stop shelters, and building facades are used for advertising purposes.