Tag: life lessons

How being vulnerable can transform our lives

October 6, 2015 Book Reviews, Personal Branding 3 comments

How being vulnerable transforms our lives Brene Brown

Courtesy of TED Talks

What do courage and joy have in common? How do we live fuller and more wholehearted lives by daring greatly?

The answers to these questions and more were answered in Daring Greatly by storytelling researcher and psychologist Dr Brené Brown. Exploring the width and depth of how we live, love and engage with one another, Daring Greatly challenges us to defy the prevailing social climate of scarcity in order to live and love more wholeheartedly.

5 Life Lessons from Singapore’s Haze

September 25, 2015 Blog 1 comment

5 Life Lessons from SG Haze

Breaching hazardous levels of close to 400 PSI (Pollutants Standards Index), #SGHaze is upon us yet again. In a manner eerily reminiscent of the last time PSI levels breached 300 in 2013, entire streets were shrouded in a cloaking and choking grey.

Brought about by the El Nino effects as well as the clearing of forests in the surrounding islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan by various parties, the rising pollution levels triggered emergency responses from both the Singapore Government and various organisations.

How To Build Your Personal Brand Through Content Marketing

August 20, 2015 Personal Branding no comments

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Do you spend a lot of time online? Have you written, commented on, shared and tweeted lots of content on social media?

If so, what are you doing to build your personal brand?

I know I know. You already have a day job. You are already busting your guts for your company.

How can you possibly have any bandwidth to build your personal brand using content?