What is the secret to a child’s long-term success? Why do some kids do so well while others falter along the wayside as they journey through life?
The answers to these and more are found in Paul Tough’s How Children Succeed…
What is the secret to a child’s long-term success? Why do some kids do so well while others falter along the wayside as they journey through life?
The answers to these and more are found in Paul Tough’s How Children Succeed…
Courtesy of Amply Emmy
“Aaargh! I really hate that stupid nincompoop! Let me just post a truly nasty update on Facebook revealing how silly he is…”
Now wait a minute there. Before you go on your online rampage, take a chill pill.
The Marketer Scientist is a new superhero (courtesy of Search Engine Land)
In the world of marketing, there are two schools of thought.
The first – and more common – group believes that marketing belongs to the rarefied world of advertising professionals, PR experts, and market research wizards. Every step is finely calibrated, like strokes to a canvas made by a master.
Coke, Starbucks and Subway are leading social brands (courtesy of Slashfood)
How do you create a social brand? Are there any differences between a traditional brand and a social brand?
In the age of social and digital media, traditional methods of branding are not enough. The process of building and implementing a brand needs to consider the unique characteristics of the social ecosystem.
Courtesy of Business News Daily
At work or play, in sickness or in health, there is always something close to our bodies.
Want to guess what that is?
The world of business is like a cocktail party. At least according to Dave Kerpen.
To be a huge hit at a party – or a market – one needs to be a good listener, tell great stories, and be responsive, authentic, passionate, and full of surprises. These traits, amongst others, are also necessary for a business to be likeable.
Courtesy of DC Marketing Pro
Customers. Love them or hate them, they’re the only reason for our existence.
In the past, our customer relationships were pretty non-existent. A customer walks into a store, browses around, picks up a can of soda, pays, and leaves.
Perhaps a lady could be having her hair done at a salon, and the stylist would banter with her while trimming her tresses. After her hair is styled and cut, she departs happily to her next appointment.
An ancient manuscript from Accra (a city off Egypt) emerges. Dated July 14, 1099, it depicted events that took place during the time of the First Crusades, when French Christian invaders laid seige to the holy city of Jerusalem.
While the city prepared itself for the invasion of the Christian army surrounding its gates, a group of men and women of every age and faith gather. Jews, Muslims and Christians, they huddle to hear the words of a Greek spiritual philosopher known as the Copt, a wise sage whose words uncover the deep mysteries of life.
Zillions of pre-teens are under his influence (courtesy of The Global Daily)
Are you under the influence?
If you’re like the billions on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or other social networks, you most definitely are. While we can also be influenced by mainstream channels like newspapers, television, radio and magazines, chances are that it is the people we know – our family and friends – who exert the most influence on our behaviours and actions.
Courtesy of Jonah Berger
Do you know why some content and ideas “go viral” while others sputter along?
Wonder how you can make your articles, videos or photos spread more readily through viral marketing?