Posts Under: Content Marketing

Social Media Drove Almost a Third of Web Traffic

February 1, 2015 Content Marketing, Social Influence 1 comment

Social Media versus Search

Social media has officially trumped Search as the main source of traffic to websites! Well, at least according to Shareaholic.

In their latest report on social media traffic trends, Shareholic updated that social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and others were responsible for driving 31.24% of overall traffic to websites in December 2014. This was a sizable 22.71% increase over the same period last year.

7 Reasons Why Artsy Rocks The Art World

January 27, 2015 Content Marketing 1 comment

Michael Jackson and Bubbles

Do you love art? I certainly do. Especially works like Jeff Koons’ Michael Jackson and Bubbles (courtesy of Artsy).

While I’m not an art collector myself, I enjoy visiting art galleries and museums. I relish uncovering the rich and multi-layered narratives behind each and every artwork, immersing myself in aesthetic experiences which transport me from the ordinary to the sublime.

Online Consumer Behaviours – Insights from a Psychologist

January 25, 2015 Content Marketing, Social Influence 2 comments

Online Consumer Behaviours - Insights from a Psychologist Nathalie Nahai the web psychologist (courtesy of Waggener Edstrom)

Do people behave differently online and offline? What makes us so addicted to Facebook, email and Twitter?

In an interesting podcast episode of Mitch Joel’s Six Pixels of Separation, web psychologist Nathalie Nahai, author of the book Webs of Influence, revealed how online platforms, mobile technologies and social networks converge to influence consumer behaviours.

Six Pillars of Content Marketing

January 11, 2015 Content Marketing 1 comment

6 Pillars of Content Marketing
Courtesy of Socialbrite

What are the ingredients of a good content marketing strategy? How can one differentiate one’s business through content marketing?

After reading and listening to a tonne of content on blogs, podcasts, and videos, I believe that successful content marketing is predicated on 6 key ingredients. Taken together, they can raise the chances of success in any content marketing endeavour.

Twitter Is Not a Strategy: Book Review

January 7, 2015 Content Marketing, Social Influence 1 comment

Twitter Is Not a Strategy

How do we build strong brands in the digital age? Should brand marketers “bow to algorithmic salvation”, allowing data and process to ride roughshod over inspiration and creativity?

Chairman of JWT Asia Pacific Tom Doctoroff provides compelling answers to these burning questions in his latest book Twitter Is Not A Strategy. Author of the book What Chinese Want, Tom argues in his new book that “new-media cleverness” cannot be a panacea for marketing. Rather, effective marketing begins with deep customer insights that translate into a great brand idea that is media-agnostic.

The ABCs of Influencer Marketing

January 4, 2015 Content Marketing, Social Influence 3 comments

What is Influencer Marketing all about? How do you pick the right influencers to work with your brand, and how much should you pay for them?

In this article, I will cover the basics of who influencers are, what influencer marketing is all about, ways to work the right influencers to work for your brand, the cost of engaging an influencer, and how you should choose the best influencers to partner with.

Content Rules: Book Review

December 9, 2014 Content Marketing 1 comment

Content Rules Book Cover

Content is king! Content rules!

Yeah, we know that already. Thanks to the burgeoning growth of content marketing – the new “silver bullet” in a marketer’s arsenal – everybody is hopping onto the content marketing bandwagon.

However, how do we tap this rising trend? More specifically, what should you do to “create killer blogs, podcasts, videos, e-books, webinars (and more) that engage customers and ignite your business”?