Tag: innovation

Innovative Strategies to Enhance Your Marketing Efforts

July 30, 2024 Content Marketing 2 comments

Looking for more innovative ways to boost your marketing efforts? It is certainly timely to do so, given our current context.

In today’s digitally-enhanced market environment, consumers are practically bombarded with advertisements from all angles. Advertisements are everywhere: on streaming services, scattered throughout social media feeds, and popping up with clickable links on websites.

Crowdtivate Unveils 12 Asia-based Projects for Crowdfunding

July 22, 2014 Content Marketing, Social Influence no comments

Do you wanna fund a start-up?

If so, good news! StarHub’s Crowdtivate – an Asian-focused crowdfunding platform launched in April this year – now has 12 Asia-based projects available for support. As a rewards-based platform, Crowdtivate mandates that listed projects should provide different levels of rewards for funders of differing quantums, with a minimum sum of S$5. Often, funders will enjoy a special “early bird” price for a new product as its backers.