Tag: instagram

The Art and Science of Influencer Marketing

June 15, 2016 Social Influence no comments

The art and science of influencer marketing

Do you recognise these social influencers? (via Singapore Blog Awards 2014)

What can brands do to improve the outcomes of their digital marketing efforts by working with influencers? How can they harness the power of influencer marketing?

As a content and social media marketing person, I often pondered these questions.

Looking at the breadth of brands on social media, I noticed that the most successful ones either work closely with influencers to magnify their marketing might, or end up becoming influencers themselves.

Are You a Social Media “Porn” Star?

November 13, 2014 Content Marketing, Social Influence no comments

building porn photo

We are living in the age of “porn”. And most of it has very little to do with sex.

Unlike the more salacious kind, such “porn” are usually completely safe for families and kids. Unfortunately, like their more notorious namesake, such behaviours could be addictive. Carried to extremes, they can be unhealthy for one’s mental and physical well-being.

In fact, some of us are so obsessive compulsive about capturing and sharing every waking moment that we end up suffering cold turkey if our Digital Documenting & Distribution Devices (4Ds) go haywire or are wrangled away from us!

What are the kinds of “porn” that we are talking about?