Courtesy of Found
Are you seeing the same old posts on Facebook? Or coming across the same old folks on your LinkedIn newsfeed?
Maybe you’ve repeatedly stumbled across uncannily accurate ads that scare the wits out of you?
Courtesy of Found
Are you seeing the same old posts on Facebook? Or coming across the same old folks on your LinkedIn newsfeed?
Maybe you’ve repeatedly stumbled across uncannily accurate ads that scare the wits out of you?
Image of Michael Stelzner fromSocial Media Examiner
How can you achieve success in social media marketing? Can your company achieve phenomenal growth without spending on advertising?
The answers to this and a whole lot more can be found in Launch – a guide to launching one’s business online by social media marketing guru Michael Stelzner.
Joe Pulizzi of Content Marketing Institute
Content marketing is the new marketing silver bullet. Everybody is talking about it.
How do we create great content that sizzles (not fizzles)? More importantly, how do we keep the pipeline full while sustaining customer relationships through content?
“Giving” by TrueMove generated more than 3 million views in 5 days!
By now, many would have noticed that our genteel northern neighbour has been creating a mini “social revolution” on YouTube. Its videos have generated such virality that they are being talked about all over the world.
Yes, I am talking about those tearsome Thai advertisements.
In case you don’t already know, the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is going to the birds. Or more specifically, the Hummingbird.
Announcing its brand new algorithm for search recently at its birthday, Google’s Hummingbird claims to make search more natural, contextual and human. In other words, trying to “game” the system through unrelated keywords, meta-tags, links, and other spammy devices may work less effectively in future.
AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) is no longer serving us as well as she did.
At least according to Avinash Kaushik, renowned Digital Marketing Evangelist of Google.
The world of business is like a cocktail party. At least according to Dave Kerpen.
To be a huge hit at a party – or a market – one needs to be a good listener, tell great stories, and be responsive, authentic, passionate, and full of surprises. These traits, amongst others, are also necessary for a business to be likeable.
Zillions of pre-teens are under his influence (courtesy of The Global Daily)
Are you under the influence?
If you’re like the billions on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or other social networks, you most definitely are. While we can also be influenced by mainstream channels like newspapers, television, radio and magazines, chances are that it is the people we know – our family and friends – who exert the most influence on our behaviours and actions.
What will the future of your business be like? More importantly, what will your life be like then?
Armed with a digital crystal ball, renowned marketing podcaster and president of global digital marketing agency Mirum Mitch Joel shared his thoughts on this in his book Ctrl Alt Delete.
Marketing – and branding – is all about the little things (courtesy of Allographics)
Since time immemorial, marketers are obsessed with the “Big Idea”.
Ruled by “out-of-this-world” campaigns that win Golden Lions or Creative Circle awards, we were transfixed by the notion that bigger and bolder is usually better.