Posts Under: Content Marketing

Coming Soon to a Screen Near You

March 31, 2013 Content Marketing 1 comment

Image courtesy of Desk Topped

Screens, screens and more screens.

With smartphones, tablets, laptops, and of course the good old TV (or Apple TV for the gadget geeks) and cinema, everybody is staring at an electronic device. Lifestyles have certainly changed in the hyper-connected new social era, enabled by digital gadgets that are perpetually connected to the web.

The Dynamics of Social Ecosystems

December 10, 2012 Content Marketing no comments

In the age of the ubiquitous social web, business as usual is broken.

Empowered by social technologies like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, consumers are sharing their brand experiences – good, bad or ugly. They are no longer content to “grin their teeth and bear it”. In such an environment, companies can ill afford to bury their heads in the “mass marketing” sand.

What should we then do in this avalanche of channels, content creators and communities?