Posts Under: Personal Branding

An Exercise in Stillness

September 28, 2014 Personal Branding no comments

Courtesy of Little Alaska



Let’s be still for a moment.

Slow your thoughts down. Calm your jarred nerves.

Stop scrolling endlessly through your smartphone. The world won’t end with one less “like”, comment, Tweet, or Instagrammed pic.

Put that device down. Shut it off or put it on “flight” mode.

Place it in another room.

Walk to the most quiet place you can find.

Close the door. Cool your environment with a fan or air-con.

Dim the lights.

Find a nice comfortable chair. Sit in a restful posture.


Breathe. Inhale deeply.

Hold it there for a while.

Then slowly and evenly exhale.

Do this for about 10 times.

When you’re done, let your mind drift.

Allow your senses to wander.

Forget about the cares of this world. Let it all melt away…

Close your eyes. Think tranquil thoughts.

If you wish, you can meditate.

Focus on the people and things which truly matter.

God. Your family. Great friends. Happy memories of past events.

Laughter. Joy. Love. Warmth. Happiness.

Now is also a good time to pray.

Cast your cares upon God. Let Him shoulder your burdens.

Or you can paint a beautiful picture in your mind. Anything that puts you at peace.

Golden sandy beaches. Cascading waterfalls. Turquoise blue oceans. Snow peaked mountains.

Or think of nothing at all.


Let serenity and silence envelope your body.

Allow it to percolate your mind and body.

Feel your muscles relax. From the tip of your head to the soles of your feet.

Be one with the environment.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of stillness.

Open your palms. Release that tension. Release that fear. Release that worry.

Visualise the wind blowing them away. Dissolved into harmless nothingness.

Remain in this state of tranquility for as long as you can.

When you’re ready to get back into the world, slowly reawaken your senses.

One by one let it come back.

Move your arm, your leg and your body.

Finally, open your eyes. Calmly. Gently.

Rise and stand. Stretch.

Open the door and face the world.

Refreshed. Recharged. Reinvigorated.

Repeat as often as you can afford to.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Book Review

September 14, 2014 Book Reviews, Personal Branding no comments

Why are some folks blessed with riches while others struggle to make ends meet? What is the magic formula to wealth?

The answer, according to renowned millionaire guru T. Harv Eker, is found in one’s money blueprint. In his bestselling book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Eker urges us to change our personal money blueprint and reprogramme the way we think, feel and act in order to achieve mastery over our wealth, attain financial freedom, and lead more meaningful lives.

Retiring in Singapore – how much do you really need?

August 24, 2014 Blog, Personal Branding 2 comments

Retiring in Singapore - PM Lee Hsien Loong
PM Lee at National Day Rally 2014 (courtesy of Prime Minister’s Office)

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s recent National Day Rally speech got me thinking about the challenges of planning for one’s retirement. Are Singaporeans aware of how much funds they need to retire comfortably? Do they know what their true retirement living costs will be?

I like how PM illustrated the case of a fictitious 54 year old senior technician named Mr Tan, and how his estimated living costs of $2,000 per month could possibly be met. Through the example given, PM showed that a CPF Minimum Sum of $155,000 – to be adjusted to $161,000 next year – isn’t an unreasonable amount to be considered in one’s Retirement Account (RA). In fact it can only cater to a very basic lifestyle and is probably insufficient for those who retire earlier (at say 55 rather than 65 years of age).

Living a Limitless Life (Book Review)

July 20, 2014 Personal Branding no comments

Nick Vujicic is a man on a global mission. And boy is he creating waves wherever he goes.

At the tender age of 31, Nick is a motivational guru, evangelist, and author of several bestselling books. A celebrated speaker, he gets invitations to speak from all over the world – Australia (Melbourne was his childhood home), Europe, US, China, India, Africa, and South East Asia (including Singapore).  He is also an avid swimmer, surfer, sky diver, and actor.

Conversations on CPF

May 29, 2014 Personal Branding no comments

Singapore’s Central Provident Fund (CPF) is certainly in the news these days.

The buzz began with recent announcements made on the rise in the CPF Minimum Sum, our President’s address on the review of CPF at the opening of Parliament, a series of blog posts by a certain blogger, and the accompanying lawsuit of the blogger by the Prime Minister. As you’d imagine, lots of bloggers have weighed in on both the positive and negative aspects of CPF (you can find a tonne of them in SG Daily here). The latest is a blog post clarifying what CPF is on The Ministry of Manpower’s blog, followed by assurances that the Government is looking to enhance the CPF Life annuity scheme.