An ancient manuscript from Accra (a city off Egypt) emerges. Dated July 14, 1099, it depicted events that took place during the time of the First Crusades, when French Christian invaders laid seige to the holy city of Jerusalem.
While the city prepared itself for the invasion of the Christian army surrounding its gates, a group of men and women of every age and faith gather. Jews, Muslims and Christians, they huddle to hear the words of a Greek spiritual philosopher known as the Copt, a wise sage whose words uncover the deep mysteries of life.
Posts Under: Personal Branding
The Value of Asking
Courtesy of Quote Fancy
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” – Matthew 7:7
Quoting from the Bible, asking has always been one of the core tenets of success. Time and time again, the people who make it a point to ask (and ask regularly) are the ones who tend to do better in almost any field in life – romance, school, work, social circles, and of course spirituality.
8 Easy Ways to Build Your Personal Brand Online
What would you do if you happen to lose your job or your business goes bust today?
Can you pick up the pieces and move on? Or will your self esteem be shattered beyond repair?
Psst! Wanna Hear the Secret To Success?
Can you guess what my name is? (courtesy of Film Quest)
Secrets. Mysteries. Codes. Puzzles. Riddles.
These are the stuff of books, movies, television programmes and radio shows. They tease us, allure us, and tempt us, drawing us deep into an enshrouded shrine of enchantment where magic potions and incantations are formulated.
The Value of Moderation
Goldilocks certainly knows what moderation is! (courtesy of E-books)
We are living in extreme times. And this calls for extreme measures.
We are extremely hard working. With hot desks, blackberries and mobile offices, we can work anywhere we want, 24/7, on any continent.
Transforming the Movies in Your Life
Are you a superhero in the movie of your life? (courtesy of Man of Steel movie)
Do you know that you play between 12,000 to 60,000 movies in your head in a single day?
Or that your subconscious occupies 90% of your mind?
The Power of Diplomacy
Jesus was the ultimate example of diplomacy (courtesy of Jesus Good Father)
Difficult people are the bane of our professional and personal lives. You meet them everywhere.
On the buses. At the neighbourhood coffee shops. In the office. At a family gathering. Heck, even in the peaceful surrounds of a park.
Are You Keeping White Elephants?
Do you know what a “white elephant” is?
Well, it is an idiom representing a valued possession where its costs far outweigh its usefulness. The phrase originated from age-old traditions in Indochina (Thailand, Myanmar). Back then, monarchs kept these rare (and burdensome) animals for the purposes of showcasing their wealth and power.
Hedonic Arbitrage – A Formula for Happiness
Original design from
Are you going crazy over Apple’s latest iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max, and other new models?
Well, many people are – for both good and bad reasons.
Finding Your Muse
The nine muses of Greek mythology (courtesy of Greek Myths and Mythology)
Inspiration often comes in the most unlikely and inconvenient places.
For example, I may be sitting in front of my computer all ready to write a “change the world” blog post. I strain my brain. I close my eyes. I try to create. Unfortunately, I end up watching Youtube videos, responding to an oh so witty tweet, or comment ad nauseum on my friends’ Facebook updates.