Singapore Invents World’s 1st 3D Plastic Film

Singapore Invents World’s 1st 3D Plastic Film

April 3, 2013 Blog, Business and Management 1 comment

Ahh the wonders of 3D. If only we can get rid of those ugly 3D glasses…

Well, apparently, now we can. In a world’s first for Singapore, A*STAR’s Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), together with Temasek Polytechnic (TP), has developed a new plastic film which empowers your handheld device to display 3D images and videos. This nano-engineered screen protector allows you to view 3D movies and photos using your smartphones and tablets without needing to wear those pesky red and green spectacles!

SG Rating – A Tool for Consumer Businesses

April 2, 2013 Content Marketing no comments

Customer service is one of the most talked about topics in Singapore. Hell hath no fury like a Singaporean customer scorned. At the same time, we have this incredible obsession to share what we eat, wear, buy and do, often with “value-added” comments (“yay” or “nay”).

Unfortunately, retailers and F&B operators are often oblivious of what their customers think. While a few do trawl the web to search for answers (good or bad), most continue their operations in blissful ignorance.

Coming Soon to a Screen Near You

March 31, 2013 Content Marketing 1 comment

Image courtesy of Desk Topped

Screens, screens and more screens.

With smartphones, tablets, laptops, and of course the good old TV (or Apple TV for the gadget geeks) and cinema, everybody is staring at an electronic device. Lifestyles have certainly changed in the hyper-connected new social era, enabled by digital gadgets that are perpetually connected to the web.

Five Ways to Boost Productivity of SME Retailers

March 26, 2013 Business and Management 1 comment


Oh the woes of the SME retail sector in Singapore. I’m sure you’ve read or heard about them.

Demanding consumers. Price competition. Sky high rentals. Relentless staff turnover (up to 300% a year in extreme cases). Difficulty in hiring. Competition from big chains. Rising utility costs. Increasing costs of goods. Growing transportation costs.

The list of problems faced by SME retailers is seemingly endless.

Buying a New Condo in Singapore

March 20, 2013 Blog, Business and Management 72 comments

Courtesy of Kingford Hillview Peak

To buy or not to buy a condo? That is the question for many Singaporeans looking for new homes.

Riding on one of the most buoyant property markets in the region, private apartments has become one of the most discussed topics here. To slow down white hot demand, the government announced a seventh round of cooling measures on 12 January. More recently, Minister Khaw Boon Wan has also spoken about bringing government-built HDB flats back to their original purpose as homes rather than investments.

Surviving Disruptive Innovations

March 15, 2013 Business and Management 20 comments

Surviving Disruptive Innovations
Was Borders a victim of Disruptive Innovation? (courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Tower Records. Borders. Kodak. Maybe even Research In Motion (RIM)?

The list of casualties to disruptive innovations grow longer each day. By clinging to the status quo and failing to recognise the threats of disruptive consumer behaviours, technologies, or business models, these companies have sounded their own death knell.