Hedonic Arbitrage – A Formula for Happiness

Social Media Marketing 101 for Non-Profits

October 11, 2012 Content Marketing, Social Influence 12 comments

Courtesy of Your Social Move

Plagued by the lack of funds, non-profits like associations and societies often have to employ shoe-string marketing strategies. With its relatively low cost compared to traditional advertising, social media marketing can be an attractive option. However, the devil as they say is in the details.

Speaking at the Association Management Seminar (courtesy of MCI Singapore), Martin Ross of mediamind shared that non-profits first need to understand the digital landscape and the plethora of social platforms available.

Innovate the Pixar Way: Book Review

October 9, 2012 Book Reviews no comments

From its first animated feature Toy Story to Finding Nemo, Up, and Cars, Pixar Animation Studios is probably the world’s leading producer of animated features. Renowned for producing cartoon movies that stir the imagination and touch the heart, Pixar’s ability to allow “artists and geeks” to flourish makes it one of the world’s most innovative organisations.

The secrets behind Pixar’s success is ably captured in Innovate the Pixar Way – Business Lessons From The World’s Most Creative Corporate Playground. Written by Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson of The Disney Way, the book relates how Ed Catmull, Alvy Ray Smith and lengendary animator John Lasseter created a company which captures the imagination of childhood while making dreams come alive.  The terrific trio did this by embracing four key principles:

SCORE-ing a Second Chance

October 7, 2012 Blog no comments

SCORE Chairman Chng Hwee Hong, representative from an award-winning company, and Senior Minister of State Heng Chee Chow

Are we truly ready to embrace ex-offenders in our society? Would we give them a second chance?

I pondered the above questions as I attended the recent SCORE Appreciation Awards held at Grassroots Club. An acronym for the Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises, SCORE was established as a statutory board under the Ministry of Home Affairs back in April 1976 to assist offenders and ex-offenders through re-skilling and employment assistance. This is done through training, work, employment assistance and community engagement.

Public Relations Strategies for Non-Profits

October 4, 2012 Public Relations 1 comment

SHINE Youth Festival 2012
Photo opportunities are good ways to grab media attention (from SHINE Youth Festival)

How can trade associations, societies and NGOs leverage on Public Relations (PR) to get the word out there? What strategies can they apply to “build buzz”?

As Vice Chairman of the Association of Singapore Attractions (ASA), one of my jobs is to increase the visibility of the association and establish it as an industry leader. Thanks to an invitation from MCI Singapore, I learned a few new tricks relevant to my association while refreshing my knowledge of the discipline.

HBR’s 10 Must Reads On Change (Book Review)

October 2, 2012 Blog, Business and Management 1 comment

Harvard Business Review or HBR has always been one of the mainstays of my reading list. I love how its editors seive out business and leadership articles which are meaty enough to provide a good intellectual workout without unnecessary academese.

Its latest compilation “HBR’s 10 Must Reads” is a selection of carefully selected journal articles centred on the most pressing issues of management.

Do These Bus Handle Ads Work?

September 28, 2012 Blog, Business and Management 1 comment

As I was commuting to work one morning, I noticed these advertisements sitting on the handle bars in the bus. Perched strategically where your hand would be, they offered a special promotion for a new F&B outlet for those who bothered to bring them there.

While the idea was pretty novel (kudos to SBS-Transit or Comfort-Delgro), I thought that the adverts could be further improved with some enhancements:

Finding Your Muse

September 25, 2012 Content Marketing, Personal Branding no comments

The nine muses of Greek mythology (courtesy of Greek Myths and Mythology)

Inspiration often comes in the most unlikely and inconvenient places.

For example, I may be sitting in front of my computer all ready to write a “change the world” blog post. I strain my brain. I close my eyes. I try to create. Unfortunately, I end up watching Youtube videos, responding to an oh so witty tweet, or comment ad nauseum on my friends’ Facebook updates.