Social media platforms are now the number one preferred media channels for Singaporeans.
Don’t believe me? Just look around you and see what your friends and family members are doing.
Social media platforms are now the number one preferred media channels for Singaporeans.
Don’t believe me? Just look around you and see what your friends and family members are doing.
Everybody loves the limelight. Well, almost everyone.
Done well, publicity can help you to gain significant brand awareness, trigger customer interest, and build your corporate reputation. Media coverage on a respected national or trade publication can also help you to achieve legitimacy for your brand.
You cannot manage what you do not measure.
With the plethora of tools available, you really ought to track and measure your performance in social media marketing.
The travel and hospitality business is a highly competitive and brutal one.
Just look at the number of airlines filing for bankruptcy, or travel agencies which have closed down (like the highly regarded Misa Travel).
History was made in the Korean Peninsula on Friday, 27 April 2018.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean president Moon Jae In signed a peace declaration to signify the end of hostilities between the two adjoining nations (and possible denuclearisation).
Photo by from Pexels
Storytelling is both an anchor and compass for social media marketing.
Good stories can help to enliven your brand. Great stories can thrust you into the dizzying heights of social media stardom. (Well at least until the next big thing comes along.)
“Customer service is the new marketing” – Gary Vaynerchuk
What should you do when you receive a nasty email or Facebook complaint? Should you ignore it, defend your business robustly, or respond genuinely with the aim to help?
Customer experience is fast becoming the number one digital marketing strategy.
Also known as CX, customer experience was cited by Adobe-eConsultancy as the most exciting opportunity in 2015, overtaking even content marketing.
Do you wish to start your own business one day? Or work from the comfort of your own home?
I’m sure that many of you do. Beyond the flexibility of being your own boss, doing so may also protect you from the vagaries of the economy.
Wish to improve your social media marketing game in Singapore?
Do what every marketer has done since time immemorial: learn from the top brands and adapt their strategies and tactics for your business.