Posts Under: Business and Management

GE2015: Are Singaporeans better or worse off today?

September 9, 2015 Business and Management no comments

GE2015 logos

Which party will you vote for? (courtesy of Channelnewsasia)

Today is the last day of campaigning for all political parties for Singapore’s General Election 2015 (GE2015).

Candidates in the political parties will go all out in their rally speeches to inform, persuade and entertain their audiences. Their objective is to motivate, inspire and cajole the electorate to “vote wisely”.

7 dimensions of a world class brand

August 14, 2015 Business and Management 1 comment

Power Brands

Have you wondered why top brands like Coca-Cola, Google, Nike and Apple are so successful? How do they leapfrog their competition despite operating in hyper-competitive markets?

The answer lies in the power of their brand essence. This is defined by Brand Focus as follows:

“Brand essence is the single most compelling thing we can say about the brand that differentiates it from competitor brands as perceived by the consumer. The most powerful brand essences are rooted in a fundamental consumer need.”

NTUC wants to make you a future leader. Here’s how…

June 28, 2015 Business and Management 1 comment

Future Leadership Summit NTUC

Calling all Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs)! The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) wants to make you a better leader.

Happening 24 July 2015 (Friday) at NTUC Centre from 8 am to 7 pm, the Future Leaders Summit 2015 is the union movement’s effort to cater to the growing numbers of PMEs in its membership.  Through the event, NTUC hopes to equip PMEs with leadership skills designed for the fast moving digital age.

Homefarm – a Dream Green Home for Active Agers

January 30, 2015 Blog, Business and Management 1 comment

Spark Home Farm rending 1

Imagine a beautiful and environmentally friendly complex where seniors can retire in communal bliss. One where they can stay active growing their own vegetables, make some money, and live in lush green comfort. In other words, a pristine development which looks like the visual above (courtesy of SPARK).

Sounds like a green paradise in land-locked Singapore? Not if SPARK architects can help it.

Unveiling their concept for Homefarm – an integrated vertical urban farming and retirement living facility – SPARK shared their dream design of such a property.

The Heart of Singapore’s Productivity Challenge

January 14, 2015 Blog, Business and Management no comments

Flying Robots Singapore

Flying robot waiters are nifty, but are they enough? (courtesy of

How can we raise Singapore’s productivity? That is the multi-billion dollar question.

A recent report in Business Times offered suggestions by economists to lower the steep productivity growth targets for Singapore from 2-3 percent per annum to 1-1.5 percent. Various suggestions such as supporting Research & Development for the PIC scheme (which IRAS already supports by the way), and offering discounts for not hitting the foreign worker hiring ratio were suggested.

MoolahSense Brings Crowdfinancing to Singapore

January 2, 2015 Blog, Business and Management 1 comment

MoolahSense Website

Are you an entrepreneur seeking to raise funds but unable to secure a bank loan? Or perhaps an investor looking to diversify your portfolio?

If you belong to either category, you may wish to consider crowdfinancing. Unlike traditional means of securing funds through bank loans or equity investments, crowdfinancing (or crowd-lending) allows businesses to borrow money through an online peer-to-business platform from individual lenders.

The True Price of Excellent Service in Singapore

December 4, 2014 Blog, Business and Management no comments

Read in The Straits Times and Channel News Asia today that almost four-fifths of Singapore consumers are willing to pay more for excellent service. Internationally, we rank second only to India – and are on par with the United States – for consumers willing to pay more for good service.

Here are the key findings reported in mainstream media based on the study by American Express and Ebiquity: