Wish to improve your marketing effectiveness in the social age? Keen to develop a unique and distinct advantage for your business?
The answer to this may very well lie in one of the oldest traits of humanity. Namely, your personality.
Wish to improve your marketing effectiveness in the social age? Keen to develop a unique and distinct advantage for your business?
The answer to this may very well lie in one of the oldest traits of humanity. Namely, your personality.
Corporate Storytelling should be as alluring as the Dance of 7 Veils (courtesy of rjg329)
One of the things which I have been wrestling with lately is this:
How can I keep my customers continually keen in my products and services beyond a short-lived campaign?
More importantly, can we sustain their interest over a longer time span and find different ways to build on it?
Coke Pavillion at Shanghai World Expo (Courtesy of Coca-Cola China)
Have you wondered how Coca-Cola became the world’s leading brand?
Well, thanks to Coca-Cola, I’m about to find out.
I’ve been selected by Coca-Cola to be one of two bloggers (the other is Alvinology) to fly to Shanghai for the World Expo to cover the launch of its pavillion, explore its new Global Innovation and Technology Center (GITC), and attend events such as its Founder’s Day ceremony and an Expo Celebration Concert.
Courtesy of Stock Snap
If you want to succeed beyond your wildest dream as an entrepreneur (or an intrapreneur), don’t just create products or services.
Instead, start a movement. Or better yet, create a cult of brand believers.
A good storyteller (like JK Rowling) makes a great marketer (Courtesy of tutor2u.net)
All this talk about conversational marketing, social media marketing, Word Of Mouth (WOM), and the spread of ideas can be boiled down to a few things.
One, the old ways of doing things are no longer relevant.
Transmedia in a diagram (courtesy of Seize the Media)
Crossing various media platforms (or Transmedia, a term which is well expounded by Kevin Lim) isn’t something new in the world of marketing communications. We have always done that in our ever desperate bid to attract eyeballs, visitors, and revenue in an increasingly crowded marketplace.
Witness how quickly the emergence of communication technologies like the printing press, telephone, radio, television, websites, mobile phone, huge electronic billboards, bus stop shelters, and building facades are used for advertising purposes.
Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix(Courtesy of Wikipedia)
In this current age of multi-tasking, multi-roles, multi-networks and multi-everything, a few things seem to stand out quite clearly.
Many appear to be the inevitable outcome of ever-increasing activity and interactivity across multi-platforms.
Are these brands or logos? (Courtesy of search-this.com)
What is a brand? How does one understand the art and science of branding in the digital driven age?
First, a brand is not a logo. Certainly, logos represent one dimension in the embodiment of corporate or product brands. However, they are just a visual representation and a signpost rather than the true meaning of the brand itself.
What was the greatest company or brand story you’ve ever heard? Why were you enchanted by it?
Since time immemorial, mankind has always relied on stories to transmit information, values and ideas from generation to generation.
Courtesy of viralblog.com
Humour works in advertising. It grabs your attention, makes you laugh, and gives you a nice endorphin rush.
It also makes you more positively inclined towards a particular brand, especially if its cleverly done without trying too hard. In fact, some commercials can be even more entertaining than comedy shows on television!