The Social Commerce Handbook: Book Review

8 Ways Brands Can Win Fans

August 11, 2013 Blog no comments

Lady Gaga‘s little Japanese Monsters show lots of brand love (courtesy of

No brand is an island. Especially in the age of the mobile social web.

Going it alone is foolish when competitors are hot on your heels. It can also be extremely expensive to invest continually in new product development, mass advertising, and promotions to drive sales. What’s more, there will always be a bigger fish in the ocean.

To Sell Is Human: Book Review

August 7, 2013 Book Reviews 1 comment

Do you know that 40% of our time at work is engaged in selling, even if we’re not in sales? Or that “Bob the Builder” can be a sales trainer?

Sprinkled with discoveries from fields such as behavioural economics, life coaching, and improv acting, To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others by bestselling author Daniel H. Pink scores. Interspersed with charming anecdotes on septuagenarian Fuller Brush salesperson Norman Hall (Pink’s unsung hero who was the last such salesperson), To Sell Is Human is neatly divided into three parts.

10 Ways to Build Thriving Communities

August 4, 2013 Social Influence 2 comments

If content is the bread that sustains the social web, communities would be the hams, cheeses and salads which nourish it.

Without communities, the most intriguing and fascinating content would lie fallow. In fact, one of the must dos in social media marketing is to build your social networks, recruit your fans, inculcate brand love, and get them to spread the word.

Connected Consumers and the Future of Business

July 28, 2013 Content Marketing, Social Influence no comments

Courtesy of What’s The Future of Business (illustration by Hugh Macleod)

Business as usual isn’t going to cut it anymore. Not with the rise of Generation-C.

According to renowned thinker Brian Solis (love his work!), Gen-C individuals spend an inordinate amount of time online and live a large fraction of their lives accessing information and interacting with others on the Internet.