A picture paints a thousand words. Especially on social media channels like Facebook.
With nearly 80 percent of social media time spent on mobile phones, Facebook users are scrolling through their News Feed with the flick of their thumb.
A picture paints a thousand words. Especially on social media channels like Facebook.
With nearly 80 percent of social media time spent on mobile phones, Facebook users are scrolling through their News Feed with the flick of their thumb.
Unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock all this while, you probably heard of the term “growth hacking” bandied about in start-up circles.
Billion dollar “unicorn” companies like Facebook, Airbnb, Uber, Dropbox and Instagram have growth-hacked their way into billions of dollars of investor value.
The old adage “You cannot manage what you do not measure” rings especially true in the age of digital and social media.
With thousands of available tools online, many of them free, virtually every single step of your social media marketing activity can be monitored, tracked and quantified.
Ah… Facebook advertisements!
Love them or loathe them, these ubiquitous native ads are a must have for brands considering social media marketing, especially since Facebook has reduced organic reach for Facebook pages to practically zero.
Background photo created by jcomp – www.freepik.com
You know what puzzles me about businesses in Singapore?
The fact that many are still ignoring social media. Or claiming that social media marketing doesn’t work because they’ve tried it and it didn’t work. Or that their customers aren’t on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or Pinterest.
Image from Pexels
Instagram is one of the biggest social platforms around, with a user base of more than one billion at the last count.
Savvy brands everywhere are cottoning on to its massive potential, with businesses from a range of industries using it to communicate with and engage their consumers to drive up sales.
But your sales funnel for Instagram will look a little different to funnels for your other channels. To help you perfect your Instagram sales funnel (and to find out why it matters), read on…
Does Halloween make you go “Boo!” or “Boo Hoo?”
Traditionally considered as one of the more controversial festive seasons due to its somewhat macabre origins, Halloween is huge in the US and growing in Asia.
Yes, we’ve all heard that there will be fewer examinations in Singapore schools.
Despite these measures, education will remain highly competitive here. Teachers will also find that their work is never done.
Why do you remember certain experiences and forget others? How can you design and engineer remarkable encounters that stick in your customers hearts and minds?
The answers to these and so much more were found in The Power of Moments, an extraordinary book by bestselling authors Chip Heath and Dan Heath.
Wish to achieve better outcomes in social media marketing? Why not consider Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats?
A cornerstone leadership and management strategy employed in organisations around the world, it fits beautifully into what we’re doing online.