What is the secret sauce of happiness? Do we need to go on an Eat, Pray, Love expedition to find it?
Well, not according to Gretchen Rubin in her bestselling book The Happiness Project.
What is the secret sauce of happiness? Do we need to go on an Eat, Pray, Love expedition to find it?
Well, not according to Gretchen Rubin in her bestselling book The Happiness Project.
How do you work effectively in a cross-cultural team? What should you do to seal a deal with a foreign partner?
The answers to these and more are found in The Cultural Intelligence Difference by cultural intelligence thought leader David Livermore.
The human mind is one of the most brilliant creations on Earth. There isn’t a computer invented by man that can rival what happens between his ears.
Unfortunately, our minds are vulnerable to various quirks and idiosyncrasies which makes us prone to errors. Don’t believe me? Just look at the examples highlighted by Dan Ariely in Predictably Irrational.
Today is the first day in the year 2016.
As you start to plan your marketing strategies for the year ahead, it would be useful to consider some of the positive moves which you can make to improve how you grow your influence and reach customers online.
Inbound marketing is rocking the socks of Asian marketers. Well, at least according to HubSpot’s latest State of Inbound Survey focusing on Asia.
Apparently, 3 out of 4 marketers in Asia prefer inbound to outbound approaches in marketing. Moreover small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) prefer inbound over outbound.
How can you better monetize your Facebook presence? What can you do to increase engagement or push click-throughs to your brand’s landing pages?
In the past, social media marketing activities like creating and curating great content and actively community management was sufficient to engage one’s Facebook fans.
Courtesy of The Future of Us
How will the future of Singapore be like? What can we do to shape our collective destinies as a nation?
Held to bring Singapore’s 50th birthday celebration (aka SG50) to a rousing close, The Future of Us exhibition is an immersive multi-sensory experience which encourages Singaporeans to imagine how we can live, work, learn and care in the future.
How can restaurant owners survive and thrive? (courtesy of Food photo created by freepik – www.freepik.com)
We love delicious and great tasting food. We love chatting about our latest dining escapades on social media.
If you are Asian, you probably enjoy taking and sharing photos and videos of your food on social networks. You probably also love consuming food related content – recipes, new dishes, menus, the list goes on.
Do you wish to better market yourself on LinkedIn? Wondering how effective LinkedIn marketing can be to build your professional brand or your business?
Celebrating its 12th 19th year, LinkedIn is the most important professional network for individuals and businesses. Unfortunately, many still treat LinkedIn as an electronic rolodex.
Nobody likes to fall ill. Especially now that the Covid-19 pandemic has besieged us all.
From viruses and bacteria to fungi, mycoplasma to plasmodium, germs are a terrible bane of our daily lives.