Posts Under: Content Marketing

How You Should Do Content Marketing in a Crisis

March 23, 2020 Content Marketing no comments

Nobody likes crises. They suck big time—our health, our jobs, our businesses, our finances, and maybe even our very lives are affected.

From global pandemics like COVID-19 (aka the novel Coronavirus), terrorist bombings, environmental disasters, to financial downturns, crises are Black Swan events (ie “unknown unknowns”) that are both unpredictable AND disastrous. Unfortunately, such catastrophic events are likely to be more common in our VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world.

Digital Marketing Copywriting—Best Practices in Singapore

October 20, 2019 Content Marketing no comments

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Frustrated with your efforts in writing copy for your digital marketing campaigns? Confused by what digital marketing agencies in Singapore are telling you about copywriting?

In this article, I will share what I know about digital copywriting, and provide some best practices in copywriting which you can use. I will also offer some tips on how you can hire the right agency to help you with online copywriting.