Posts Under: Social Influence

Skittles & Social Media – Success or Scuttle?

August 21, 2009 Social Influence 2 comments

There are almost 20,000 photos tagged with “Skittles” on Flickr (courtesy of PaPeR.cLiP)

First made in 1974 as a hard shelled candy, Skittles is part of the MARS stable and is easily recognisable for their multi-coloured sugar shells with the letter “S”. The candy brand shocked and awed the world back in March this year when they transformed their corporate website into a real-time social media portal. The new website also incorporates a floating widget pulling in content and inputs from Youtube, Flickr, Wikipedia and Facebook. To get onto their home page, all content producers – photos, videos, tweets – need to do is type the word “skittles” or tag them and Voila!

Skittles was able to initially generate a huge amounts of traffic (more than 1332% in a day) by people who were simply curious to see their own “skittles”. It also generated a tremendous amount of publicity and buzz online.

Of Tribes, Leaders and Heretics

July 12, 2009 Social Influence 1 comment

I just completed marketing maven Seth Godin’s book on leadership titled “Tribes – We Need You to Lead Us”.

As a long-time fan of “Sethology”, I have always marvelled at his cutting edge ideas and thought provoking approaches to marketing, lapping up past works like “Purple Cow”, “The Big Moo”, “The Dip” and “Meatball Sundae”. I am also an avid reader of his wonderfully written blog, which is a must-visit site on my list of must-visit sites.

Is Social Media Marketing a Myth?

May 26, 2009 Social Influence 3 comments

Is Social Media Marketing a Myth
Is social media marketing just a myth? (courtesy of Snap Trends)

I love dabbling in social media in its various forms, be it blogging, facebooking, twittering, youtubing (occasionally), plurking and flickring.

Digital conversations are addictive, and I can spend an entire day just reading blogs, following tweets, retweeting, commenting on facebook photographs, chatting on MSN, uploading photographs on Flickr and so on.

Delectable Morsels in Marketing

April 8, 2009 Social Influence 2 comments

Extreme co-branding in action! (courtesy of Haendal Dantas)

Here are some interesting little snippets that I picked up this week.

To kick it off, Seth Godin warns us that marketing isn’t just about being better or more efficient, but rather, just being the right thing for customers, no matter how idiosyncratic those demands may be.  Its interesting to read about his new middle-aged fetish for button fly jeans though.