Have you noticed how businesses, like humans, tend to adopt a herd mentality? Some examples:
– Opening and closing hours of retail shops (normally 10 am to 10 pm, with extended hours only during festive breaks)
Have you noticed how businesses, like humans, tend to adopt a herd mentality? Some examples:
– Opening and closing hours of retail shops (normally 10 am to 10 pm, with extended hours only during festive breaks)
Courtesy of Rentoid
In an age where anything and everything is trending towards FREE, companies face many increasingly thorny dilemmas on the issue of pricing. What should one charge in order to make a profitable and sustainable living? How can one stand out from other similar businesses using price as a lever? Is there a trade-off between the number of users/subscribers/fans and actual paying customers?
Answering these questions isn’t easy. One can either choose to go with one’s gut (ala Malcolm Gladwell’s the Law of Thin Slices) or perhaps embrace a more methodical approach.
The latest buzzword in marketing – especially in online circles – is gaming (or more accurately game mechanics). To some, it has become the new viral, overtaking viral videos as the holy grail of consumer engagement and interaction.
Almost everybody online these days are raving about how game mechanics can change the future of company-customer interactions.
Don’t make your customers go on an uphill battle (Source)
As I was running this morning, I’ve noticed a very interesting observation at the jogging track on a little hillock near my home. This was the same place I’ve gone for my regular exercise for close to 8 years. Its a little loop which goes for about 680 m per round.
Almost everybody was going in the same direction (except me – I’ve got a thing for running against the human traffic…;)). What’s more, they were all IGNORING the directional signages painted on the track which said “START” and “END” along a certain path.
Magic shows always work because kids loved to be astonished
Have you wondered why kids like birthday or Christmas presents so much? Or why teens and youths enjoy watching the latest “Lady Gaga” music video?
I believe that it is captured in a single word: Surprise.
Human beings are naturally curious creatures.
Babies have an insatiable interest in whatever’s happening around them. They will see, hear, feel, smell, taste and even swallow their world.
Wish to improve your marketing effectiveness in the social age? Keen to develop a unique and distinct advantage for your business?
The answer to this may very well lie in one of the oldest traits of humanity. Namely, your personality.
Zoe Tay and Imedeen – Positive Partnership or Fabulous Failure? (source)
Lights (tweet), Cameras (Facebook update), Action (blog post)!
One of the fastest growing phenomenon on social media channels, celebrities are flocking to these online channels to expand their reach to their increasingly social media savvy fans.
There are two schools of thought in marketing.
The first school teaches us to focus and concentrate all our energies and resources on one (or perhaps two) key strategies. I call them the snipers.
Corporate Storytelling should be as alluring as the Dance of 7 Veils (courtesy of rjg329)
One of the things which I have been wrestling with lately is this:
How can I keep my customers continually keen in my products and services beyond a short-lived campaign?
More importantly, can we sustain their interest over a longer time span and find different ways to build on it?