Posts Under: Content Marketing

How to Make a Good Brand Name

January 19, 2024 Content Marketing, Personal Branding 3 comments

A rose by any other name should smell just as sweet? Or would it no longer be a rose if we call it something else?

Names can be powerful. People swear by the name of God or their parents/grandparents when they make an important proclamation. For companies, catchy names like Apple, Alphabet, and Amazon have helped them to be more easily memorable — and possibly billion-dollar businesses!

Why IoT is a Game-Changer for Business Automation

January 15, 2024 Content Marketing 1 comment

Automation makes work faster and easier, helping businesses save time and resources. One of the most powerful ways to deploy automation is to use the game-changing innovation called the Internet of Things (IoT).

Introducing IoT into a company can take business automation to a whole new level. IoT connects everyday devices to the internet, and small organizations can implement it into virtually every aspect of their business.