Vegetarian Pen Cai from Crystal Jade
Hungry for traditional Chinese fare this Chinese New Year?
Consider popping over to one of Crystal Jade’s many outlets.
Vegetarian Pen Cai from Crystal Jade
Hungry for traditional Chinese fare this Chinese New Year?
Consider popping over to one of Crystal Jade’s many outlets.
John Maeda – creative leader par excellence (courtesy of
In the age of rapidly changing consumer tastes, ubiquitous digital connectivity and ever changing socio-cultural dynamics, the old ways of leadership will no longer work.
To survive and thrive in this tumultuous age, organisations need to be innovative, open, collaborative and flexible.
Courtesy of Edelman
As I’ve previously blogged about, the future of business is social.
In a world where we’re permanently thumbing our smartphones, swiping a tablet or typing on a notebook, it is impossible to ignore the significance of social channels in business. While everybody in a start-up can “go social” quite easily, how should medium to large organisations craft their policies, re-route their processes, re-build their structures or re-wire their systems?
Have you wondered what works (and doesn’t) in Facebook?
Or how you can undo an ill conceived tweet let loose in a fit of anger?
Singapore Airlines cabin crew are trained to own the customer experience (image from Singapore Airlines)
Does your organisation hold a common view of the customer experience? Does everyone know what it looks like when it is done well? What are you willing to give up to get it?
These questions frame the development of a customer experience vision for any tourism business.
Courtesy of HotelManagement.Net
The world has changed. Customers now have all the information they need to decide where they wish to visit, what they want to buy, and what services they require.
With an attention span of 90 seconds or less (at 140 characters each time), business as usual isn’t going to cut it for the Facebook and Twitter generation. The game has changed from word of mouth to world of mouse.
What will the future of InfoComm Technology (ICT) be like? How will these trends impact the way we work, live and play?
Painting the scenario of how things will evolve, Cort Isernhagen of IDC Insights forecasted at the recent Infocomm Technology Roadmap Symposium 2012 that the ICT landscape over the next 10 years needs to consider four macro trends supported by four key pillars of technology.
Do you know what a “white elephant” is?
Well, it is an idiom representing a valued possession where its costs far outweigh its usefulness. The phrase originated from age-old traditions in Indochina (Thailand, Myanmar). Back then, monarchs kept these rare (and burdensome) animals for the purposes of showcasing their wealth and power.
Robinsons is an icon of service in Singapore (image courtesy of goodcitydeals)
What is the best way to trigger positive and enduring word of mouth?
Is it…
Image of girl courtesy of Children’s Education Zone
Life as a parent of schooling kids isn’t a bed of roses.
After a hard day’s work, you’ve got to become teacher, coach and mentor to your precious ones. You need to find ways and means to nurture in him or her the joy of learning while fighting fatigue. Exams. Tests. Music. Dance. Sports. CCAs. The list appear to never end.