Running a small business and feeling all ragged?
Its not surprising, considering how small business owners have to make the most of the limited time and resources available to them.
Running a small business and feeling all ragged?
Its not surprising, considering how small business owners have to make the most of the limited time and resources available to them.
Do you face difficulties in content marketing? Wonder how you can solve the most common content marketing problems?
As a long-haul strategy for gaining online traction, content marketing has its fair share of challenges.
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Wish to improve your content marketing operations? Keen to learn a systematic way of creating, publishing, promoting and tracking your content marketing efforts?
In this article, I’ll share how you can improve your content marketing productivity by building a content marketing SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). These are inspired by the book Inbound Content written by HubSpot’s Justin Champion.
Wish to make a livelihood out of your creative endeavours? Turn your art into business—or your business into art?
In this article, you will learn useful strategies that can turn your artistic or entrepreneurial dreams into reality. These are drawn from the book Real Artists Don’t Starve by bestselling author Jeff Goins.
Wish to bring your social media marketing campaigns to the next level?
Consider learning from the influencers in this space, like Jay Baer—author of Youtility and Hug Your Haters, and a thought leader in content and social media marketing.
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Need an easy-to-remember online copywriting formula to boost your digital marketing campaigns? Tired of crafting advertising copy that just doesn’t work?
You’re in luck. That’s because I just finished reading the wonderfully written book Secret Sauce—How To Pack Your Messages with Persuasive Punch by Harry Mills.
The concept of “influencer marketing” has been catching on like wildfire in Singapore.
Reportedly, 92% of people regarded influencer marketing as an effective form of marketing because they place more trust on influencers, sometimes known as key opinion leaders (KOL), compared to commercials or social media ads.
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Digital marketing isn’t a silver bullet. Often, digital marketing is fraught with difficulties and problems.
63 percent of marketers find it a challenge to generate traffic and leads, 60 percent of marketers struggle with producing content, while only 3 percent of adults trust social media!
Business-to-business (B2B) companies face challenges that business-to-consumer (B2C) companies may not.
Rather than serve a particular buyer persona or two, you may sell to multiple industries. Trying to shape your product or service to suit the unique wants and needs of multiple client types isn’t an easy task.
Is writing for an online audience similar to writing for offline readers? How do you craft digital copy that attracts attention, sustains interest, and triggers action?
In this article, you will learn how to write better content across different digital channels to build your personal brand.